Tài liệu Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh 11 - học kì 1 (chương trình chuẩn)

Thảo luận trong 'Lớp 11' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

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    Đây là hệ thống Bài tập ngữ pháp bám sát vào nội dung sách giáo khoa Tiếng anh 11 - chương trình chuẩn từ Unit 1-8 định dạng Microsoft Office Word, giúp giáo viên và học sinh rất dễ dàng sử dụng và copy.
    Cấu trúc của tài liệu gồm bài tập ngữ pháp Trắc nghiệm và tự luận đủ dạy (thêm) cho suốt HK1 (2 tiết/ 1 tuần).


    : TENSES OF VERBS . 3
    Ž: INFINITIVES (Vo/ to V) and GERUNDS (V-ing) . 13

    A. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence:
    1. Could I (see/ to see) Mr. Brown, please?
    2. He told me (try/ to try) (come/ to come) early.
    3. I wanted her (learn/ to learn) English.
    4. Will you (help/ to help) me (move/ to move) this desk?
    5. Please (let/ to let) me (know/ to know) your opinion.
    6. Would you like (paint/ to paint) your bike or should I (have/ to have) a painter (do/ to do) it for you?
    7. He warned me (not come/ not to come) late.
    8. There’s no telling what might (happen/ to happen).
    9. Did you (see/ to see) Tom (try/ to try) (reach/ to reach) the top of the dresser?
    - He’s too short (reach/ to reach) it.
    10. We had to ask the students (stop/ to stop) making so much noise.
    11. I can’t understand his wanting (buy/ to buy) such an expensive car.
    13. They don’t want us (mention/ to mention) their coming late.
    14. You must remember (lock/ to lock) the door before leaving the house.
    15. After getting (know/ to know) her at school, he finished by asking her address.
    16. The teacher remind the students (do/ to do)their homework.
    17. Come over here! I’d like you (see/ to see) this.
    18. Don’t pretend (be/ to be) what you aren’t.
    19. We are planning (visit/ to visit) several historical sites in Moscow.
    20. I persuaded my brother–in–law (not buy/ not to buy) that old car.
    21. My father expects me (get/ to get) high marks in school.
    22. According to the restaurant, all diners are required (wear/ to wear) shirts and shoes.
    23. There appears (be/ to be) no way (change/ to change) our reservation for the play at this late date.
    24. I hope (have/ to have) a job.
    25. Please let me (know/ to know) your decision.
    26. It’s difficult (get/ to get) used to getting up early.
    27. My mother made me (stay/ to stay) in bed for a week.
    28. I’d like (have/ to have) a look at your new car.
    29. I’m sorry (disappoint/ to disappoint) you.
    30. He told me (sign/ to sign) a paper admitting his guilt.
    31. I had him (repair/ to repair) my bicycle.
    32. The doctor advised me (do/ to do) exercise every morning.
    33. She refused (answer/ to answer) my questions.
    34. The witnesses said they had seen the thieves (go/ to go) into the bank.
    35. They agree (camp/ to camp) in that field.
    36. I’ll need (buy/ to buy) a new winter overcoat before long.
    37. John would rather (arrive/ to arrive) early than late.
    38. They didn’t want me (buy/ to buy) that old house.
    39. If he wants to catch the bus, he had better (run/ to run).
    40. My friend promised (return/ to return) the book very soon.
    41. How soon do you expect (leave/ to leave) for South America?
    42. He'd rather watch television than (talk/ to talk) to his wife.
    43. Did you offer (translate/ to translate) those letters for them?
    44. Would you please (not speak/ not to speak) so much?
    45. A child can (remember/ to remember) easily and fast.
    46. Don’t forget (give/ to give) her my regards.
    47. He promised (not go/ not to go) to school late.
    48. Will you please (tell/ to tell) me the way to the post office?
    49. They find it is very difficult (understand/ to understand) her.
    50. Our guests don’t plan (leave/ to leave) until the end of the week.
    B. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct infinitive forms (Vo/ to V):
    1. They told me (be) here at ten o’clock.
    2. I hear the birds (sing) .
    3. Tom appears (worry) . . about something
    4. David tends (forget) . things.
    5. I don’t want (go) . out tonight. I’m too tired.
    6. No one can make him (change) . his mind.
    7. All the members agreed (attend) . the emergency meeting.
    8. Could you (tell) . me the time?
    9. The police ordered the driver (stop) .
    10. He promised (pick) . me up this afternoon.
    11. We re going out for dinner. Would you like (go) . with us?
    12. Jame didn’t have any money, so he decided (find) a job.
    13. Let him (talk) . to Jim.
    14. Can you remind me (buy) some coffee when we go out?
    15. The boy’s father promised (pay) for the window to be repaired.
    16. Remember (do) . your homework.
    17. She tries (be) serious but she couldn’t help laughing.
    18. You had better (not ask) for permission, your father will never let you (go) out after 9 p.m.
    19. Her boss expects her (finish) her work as soon as possible.
    20. We shouldn't (give) them what they want.
    21. Our teacher seems (be) in a good mood today, don’t you think?
    22. The teacher made her student (stand) . up.
    23. Would you like (not /smoke) . .?
    24. He discovered how (open) the safe.
    25. Please (speak) more slowly.
    26. They were very strict. They wouldn't let her daughter (come) . back home after 10 p.m.
    27. Would you please (let) me (speak) . about the new plan?
    28. We plan (take) our holidays abroad this year.
    29. Miss Smith hopes (receive) a reply within a few days
    30. I don’t want (risk) losing those valuable papers
    31. Who can make you (smile) .?
    32. Did the man agree (pay) . for everything in cash?
    33. They see her (play) . in the garden.
    34. Mr Brown definitely needs (buy) . an overcoat
    35. She is so busy that she lets the phone (ring) . . many times.
    36. My friends says he plans (study) Italian next year
    37. I expect (receive) an answer from the Browns soon
    38. His parents always let him (do) . what he thinks he should.
    39. Let's (go) somewhere for a swim.
    40. Why did they refuse (give) .you the information?
    41. The police made him (speak) . out the truth.
    42. He demanded (see) . .the report immediately.
    43. You'd better (not be) . late.
    44. He doesn't want to let me (know) . he was going out.
    45. Bill doesn’t wish (reveal) his plan to us yet.
    46. We wanted (buy) . .something a little less expensive.
    47. We saw a big woman (go) . into your house one hour ago.
    48. His secretary failed (include) several important items.
    49. Susan claims (be) an expert on that particular subject.
    50. Did they promise (reserve) some good seats for us?
    J J J J J J J J J J

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