Sách Azar's Fundamentals of English Grammar Teacher's Guide, 3rd Edition

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Title: Fundamentals of English Grammar Teacher's Guide

    Author(s): Betty Schrampfer Azar, Barbara F. Matthies and Shelley Hartle

    Publisher: Longman

    Date: 2003; 3rd Edition

    Pages: 224

    Size: 11 Mb

    Format: PDF

    Quality: High

    Language: English


    This Teacher's Guide is intended as a practical aid to teachers. You can turn to it for notes on the content of a unit and how to approach the exercises, for suggestions for classroom activities, and for answers to the exercises.



    PREFACE vii


    General Aims of Fundamentals of English Grammar ix

    Classroom Techniques ix

    Suggestions for Presenting the Grammar Charts . ix

    Degrees of Teacher and Student Involvement xi

    Interactive Group and Pair Work . xi

    Monitoring Errors in Interactive Work xii

    Techniques for Exercise Types xii

    Fill-in-the-Blanks and Controlled Completion Exercises . xii

    Open Completion Exercises xiii

    Transformation and Combination Exercises xiv

    Oral Exercises xiv

    Writing Exercises xv

    Error-Analysis Exercises . xv

    Preview Exercises . xvi

    Discussion-of-Meaning Exercises xvi

    Games and Activities . xvi

    Pronunciation Exercises . xvi

    Seatwork xvii

    Homework xvii

    Using the Workbook . xvii

    Supplementary Resource Texts . xviii

    Notes on American vs. British English xviii

    Differences in Grammar . xviii

    Differences in Spelling xix

    Differences in Vocabulary xix

    Key to Pronunciation Symbols xx

    The Phonetic Alphabet (Symbols for American English) . xx

    Consonants xx

    Vowels xx


    Chapter 1 PRESENT TIME . 1

    1-1 The simple present and the present progressive . 4

    1-2 Forms of the simple present and the present progressive 4

    1-3 Frequency adverbs 7

    1-4 Final -s . 8

    1-5 Spelling of final -s/-es 9

    1-6 Non-action verbs . 12

    1-7 Present verbs: short answers to yes/no questions . 12Chapter 2 PAST TIME . 14

    2-1 Expressing past time: the simple past 15

    2-2 Forms of the simple past: regular verbs 15

    2-3 Forms of the simple past: be 15

    2-4 Regular verbs: pronunciation of -ed endings 17

    2-5 Spelling of -ing and -ed forms 18

    2-6 The principal parts of a verb 19

    2-7 Irregular verbs: a reference list . 20

    2-8 The simple past and the past progressive . 22

    2-9 Forms of the past progressive . 22

    2-10 Expressing past time: using time clauses . 25

    2-11 Expressing past habit: used to . 26

    Chapter 3 FUTURE TIME . 28

    3-1 Expressing future time: be going to and will . 29

    3-2 Forms with be going to . 29

    3-3 Forms with will . 31

    3-4 Sureness about the future 32

    3-5 Be going to vs. will 33

    3-6 Expressing the future in time clauses and if-clauses . 34

    3-7 Using the present progressive to express future time 36

    3-8 Using the simple present to express future time 37

    3-9 Immediate future: using be about to 38

    3-10 Parallel verbs 38


    4-1 Past participle . 42

    4-2 Forms of the present perfect 42

    4-3 Meanings of the present perfect 43

    4-4 Simple past vs. present perfect . 44

    4-5 Using since and for 47

    4-6 Present perfect progressive . 48

    4-7 Present perfect progressive vs. present perfect . 49

    4-8 Using already, yet, still, and anymore . 50

    4-9 Past perfect . 53

    Chapter 5 ASKING QUESTIONS . 56

    5-1 Yes/no questions and short answers . 57

    5-2 Yes/no questions and information questions 58

    5-3 Where, why, when, and what time 59

    5-4 Questions with who, who(m), and what 60

    5-5 Spoken and written contractions with question words . 61

    5-6 Using what ￿ a form of do 63

    5-7 Using what kind of 63

    5-8 Using which 64

    5-9 Using whose . 64

    5-10 Using how . 65

    5-11 Using how often 66

    5-12 Using how far 66

    5-13 Length of time: it ￿ take and how long . 66

    5-14 More questions with how 67

    5-15 Using how about and what about 70

    5-16 Tag questions . 71

    Chapter 6 NOUNS AND PRONOUNS . 72

    6-1 Pronunciation of final -s/-es 74

    6-2 Plural forms of nouns . 75

    6-3 Subjects, verbs, and objects . 75

    6-4 Objects of prepositions 77

    6-5 Prepositions of time 78

    6-6 Word order: place and time . 79

    6-7 Subject–verb agreement . 79

    iv CONTENTS6-8 Using adjectives to describe nouns . 79

    6-9 Using nouns as adjectives 80

    6-10 Personal pronouns: subjects and objects . 82

    6-11 Possessive nouns . 83

    6-12 Possessive pronouns and adjectives . 84

    6-13 Reflexive pronouns . 84

    6-14 Singular forms of other: another vs. the other 85

    6-15 Plural forms of other: other(s) vs. the other(s) . 85

    6-16 Summary of forms of other 86

    Chapter 7 MODAL AUXILIARIES . 88

    7-1 The form of modal auxiliaries . 89

    7-2 Expressing ability: can and could 90

    7-3 Expressing possibility: may and might

    Expressing permission: may and can . 91

    7-4 Using could to express possibility 91

    7-5 Polite questions: may I, could I, can I 93

    7-6 Polite questions: would you, could you, will you, can you 94

    7-7 Expressing advice: should and ought to . 94

    7-8 Expressing advice: had better . 95

    7-9 Expressing necessity: have to, have got to, must 96

    7-10 Expressing lack of necessity: do not have to

    Expressing prohibition: must not 96

    7-11 Making logical conclusions: must 97

    7-12 Giving instructions: imperative sentences 98

    7-13 Making suggestions: let’s and why don’t 99

    7-14 Stating preferences: prefer, like . better, would rather 100

    Chapter 8 CONNECTING IDEAS . 102

    8-1 Connecting ideas with and 104

    8-2 Connecting ideas with but and or . 105

    8-3 Connecting ideas with so . 106

    8-4 Using auxiliary verbs after but and and 107

    8-5 Using and ￿ too, so, either, neither 108

    8-6 Connecting ideas with because 109

    8-7 Connecting ideas with even though/although . 111

    Chapter 9 COMPARISONS 114

    9-1 Making comparisons with as . as 116

    9-2 Comparative and superlative . 117

    9-3 Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs . 118

    9-4 Completing a comparative . 120

    9-5 Modifying comparatives 121

    9-6 Comparisons with less . than and not as . as 122

    9-7 Unclear comparisons . 122

    9-8 Using more with nouns 123

    9-9 Repeating a comparative 123

    9-10 Using double comparatives 124

    9-11 Using superlatives . 124

    9-12 Using the same, similar, different, like, alike 127

    Chapter 10 THE PASSIVE 130

    10-1 Active sentences and passive sentences . 131

    10-2 Form of the passive 131

    10-3 Transitive and intransitive verbs . 133

    10-4 Using the by-phrase . 134

    10-5 The passive forms of the present and past progressive 136

    10-6 Passive modal auxiliaries 136

    10-7 Using past participles as adjectives (stative passive) 137

    10-8 Participial adjectives: -ed vs. -ing . 139

    10-9 Get ￿ adjective; get ￿ past participle 140

    10-10 Using be used/accustomed to and get used/accustomed to . 140

    Contents v10-11 Used to vs. be used to . 141

    10-12 Using be supposed to . 142


    11-1 A vs. an 144

    11-2 Count and noncount nouns 145

    11-3 Noncount nouns 146

    11-4 More noncount nouns 146

    11-5 Using several, a lot of, many/much, and a few/a little . 147

    11-6 Nouns that can be count or noncount 148

    11-7 Using units of measure with noncount nouns 149

    11-8 Guidelines for article usage 150

    11-9 Using the or Ø with names 152

    11-10 Capitalization 152

    Chapter 12 ADJECTIVE CLAUSES . 154

    12-1 Adjective clauses: introduction . 155

    12-2 Using who and whom in adjective clauses 156

    12-3 Using who, who(m), and that in adjective clauses 157

    12-4 Using which and that in adjective clauses . 158

    12-5 Singular and plural verbs in adjective clauses . 160

    12-6 Using prepositions in adjective clauses 160

    12-7 Using whose in adjective clauses 162


    13-1 Verb ￿ gerund . 166

    13-2 Go ￿ -ing 167

    13-3 Verb ￿ infinitive 168

    13-4 Verb ￿ gerund or infinitive 168

    13-5 Preposition ￿ gerund 171

    13-6 Using by and with to express how something is done 172

    13-7 Using gerunds as subjects; using it ￿ infinitive . 173

    13-8 It ￿ infinitive: using for (someone) . 174

    13-9 Expressing purpose with in order to and for 176

    13-10 Using infinitives with too and enough . 177

    Chapter 14 NOUN CLAUSES 181

    14-1 Noun clauses: introduction 182

    14-2 Noun clauses that begin with a question word 182

    14-3 Noun clauses with who, what, whose ￿ be . 183

    14-4 Noun clauses that begin with if or whether . 185

    14-5 Noun clauses that begin with that . 186

    14-6 Other uses of that-clauses . 186

    14-7 Substituting so for a that-clause in conversational responses . 188

    14-8 Quoted speech . 188

    14-9 Quoted speech vs. reported speech 189

    14-10 Verb forms in reported speech 190

    14-11 Common reporting verbs: tell, ask, answer/reply 191

    Appendix 1 PHRASAL VERBS . 193

    A1-1 Phrasal verbs: introduction 194

    A1-2 Phrasal verbs: intransitive . 196

    A1-3 Three-word phrasal verbs . 197

    A1-4 Phrasal verbs: a reference list . 197


    A2-1 Preposition combinations: introduction . 198

    A2-2 Preposition combinations: a reference list . 201

    INDEX . 202

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