Tài liệu Atomic force microscopy investigations into biology – from cell to protein - Edited by Christopher L

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    Edited by Christopher L. Frewin

    Preface IX
    Part 1 General Techniques 1
    Chapter 1 Atomic Force Spectroscopies:
    A Toolbox for Probing the Biological Matter 3
    Michele Giocondo, Said Houmadi, Emanuela Bruno,
    Maria P. De Santo, Luca De Stefano, Emmanuelle Lacaze,
    Sara Longobardi and Paola Giardina
    Chapter 2 Artifacts in Atomic Force Microscopy
    of Biological Samples 29
    E. Ukraintsev, A. Kromka, H. Kozak,
    Z. Remeš and B. Rezek
    Chapter 3 Tapping Mode AFM Imaging for
    Functionalized Surfaces 55
    Nadine Mourougou-Candoni

    Part 2 Biological Molecules, Proteins and Polymers 85
    Chapter 4 AFM Measurements to Investigate Particulates and
    Their Interactions with Biological Macromolecules 87
    L. Latterini and L. Tarpani
    Chapter 5 AFM Imaging of Biological Supramolecules
    by a Molecular Imprinting-Based Immobilization
    Process on a Photopolymer 99
    Taiji Ikawa
    Chapter 6 Protein Interactions on Phospholipid
    Bilayer, Studied by AFM Under
    Physiological Conditions 123
    Špela Irman, Miha Škarabot,
    Igor Muševič and Borut Božič
    VI Contents
    Chapter 7 Nanomechanics of Amyloid Materials
    Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy 153
    Guanghong Zeng, Yusheng Duan,
    Flemming Besenbacher and Mingdong Dong

    Part 3 DNA, Chromatin and Membranes 175
    Chapter 8 Analyzing DNA Structure Quantitatively at
    a Single-Molecule Level by Atomic Force Microscopy 177
    Yong Jiang and Yuan Yin
    Chapter 9 Atomic Force Microscopy of Chromatin 195
    Delphine Quénet, Emilios K. Dimitriadis and Yamini Dalal
    Chapter 10 Artificial and Natural Membranes 219
    György Váró and Zsolt Szegletes

    Part 4 Viral Physiology 233
    Chapter 11 Atomic Force Microscopy in Detection of Viruses 235
    Norma Hernández-Pedro, Edgar Rangel-López,
    Benjamín Pineda and Julio Sotelo
    Chapter 12 Force Microscopy – A Tool to Elucidate the Relationship
    Between Nanomechanics and Function in Viruses 253
    J.L. Cuéllar and E. Donath
    Part 5 Cellular Physiology 279
    Chapter 13 Single-Molecule Force Microscopy: A Potential Tool for the
    Mapping of Polysaccharides in Plant Cell Walls 281
    Julian C. Thimm, Laurence D. Melton and David J. Burritt
    Chapter 14 AFM and Cell Staining to Assess
    the In Vitro Biocompatibility of Opaque Surfaces 297
    Christopher L. Frewin, Alexandra Oliveros,
    Edwin Weeber and Stephen E. Saddow
    Chapter 15 The Transversal Stiffness of Skeletal
    Muscle Fibers and Cardiomyocytes in
    Control and After Simulated Microgravity 325
    Irina V. Ogneva and Igor B. Ushakov

    Atomic force microscopy, AFM, is a modern technique for generating high resolution
    surface topography images and can image many orders of magnitude below the
    optical diffraction limit. It uses a principal similar to the one used by the phonograph
    developed by Thomas Alva Edison. Essentially, the phonograph has a sharp object
    which is dragged across a moving surface, and the tip is deformed by the features it
    encounters. The AFM uses this principal as well, with the AFM tip generating a
    physical deflection in the cantilever according to Hooke’s law, but unlike the
    phonograph, the AFM can capitalize on a wider variety of forces generated between
    the sharp tip and the scanned surface. The AFM cantilever deflection is quantified
    through the use of a laser reflected off of the back of the cantilever onto an array of
    photodiodes. Of course, as was seen with Edison’s original invention, scanning an
    object at a constant height presents the danger of a collision with the surface. With this
    problem in mind, the AFM cantilever is mounted onto a piezoelectric column
    commonly called a head stage, which moves the cantilever to maintain constant force
    according to feedback from the measured deflection. The combination of all of these
    components can be recorded and produces a topographical image of the surface with
    nanoscale resolution. This measurement technique has also been used to develop a
    method of force spectroscopy which measures the force between the tip and the
    sample as a function of distance. However, this technique is not the only measurement
    these devices can produce.
    The AFM is not limited to only one operating mode, but has a second distinctive
    mode, which itself has been developed into another mode of operation. The previous
    mode we discussed is known as contact or static mode, and the next mode we will
    briefly introduce is called non-contact, or dynamic, mode. In this mode, the tip is
    oscillated near its natural resonance, and brought close to the surface. As the tip
    approaches the surface, the interaction between the surface and tip forces generates a
    change in the natural resonance of the cantilever. The feedback circuit is used to
    reestablish the original oscillation set point by changing the distance between the
    sample and the tip. The difference that the cantilever moves can be recorded and
    compiled to produce topographical images. Oscillation differences can be detected as a
    function of amplitude or frequency. Detections of changes in the frequency of
    oscillation produce very high-resolution measurements. Through the measurement of
    changes in amplitude, non-contact mode becomes the third main mode, known as
    X Preface
    tapping or intermittent mode. In tapping mode, the physical distance of the amplitude
    of oscillation is large enough to produce brief contact with the surface. This contact
    leads to changes the amplitude which is measured by the feedback circuit. The head
    stage moves the cantilever to maintain constant amplitude, and once again can be used
    to generate topographical images. Changes in the phase of oscillations can also be
    measured in this mode and is useful in detecting differences in surface friction or
    between different materials.
    The AFM is a very dynamic measurement tool and provides many methods to
    quantitatively measure a wide range of physical, electromagnetic, and atomic forces.
    However, the one aspect of this device is that puts it in a class by itself among
    nanoscale microscopy is the fact that AFM can be used in almost any environment.
    Vacuum, air, and liquid are not a barrier for this measurement style, and because of
    this, the AFM lends itself very well for biological investigations where environmental
    factors can influence biological reactions. This book was developed to showcase the
    growing use of AFM techniques and methodologies in the investigation of many
    different aspects of biological and medical sciences. Another, less known advantage
    for the use of biological AFM is it can be used to investigate structures as large as a
    whole cell down to the very proteins which constitute the cells themselves. Another
    advantage is this measurement technique does not require complicated, invasive, and
    often permanent sample preparation like that required for other microscopy
    Personally, I was unknowledgeable about this fantastic device until I was almost a
    senior in college. Even further from my expectations is that I never thought I would
    have used AFM as a tool to investigate biology, specifically neurological cells and their
    properties. After taking undergraduate physics, and influenced greatly by my
    childhood idol Nikola Tesla, I wanted to explore the mysteries of electricity and
    magnetism, so I chose electrical engineering. As with most students, I entered college
    with preconceptions as to what I would be exposed to within this field, but I found
    that my expectations were not in line with reality. I thought that I would learn about
    electrical circuits, power transfer, and communications and then go out into the world
    and work in some job designing these things, but in the beginning of my junior year, I
    was fortunate to be able to join, Professor Stephen E. Saddow, in his silicon carbide
    (SiC) laboratory. Little did I know it at the time, but Dr. Saddow would become my
    Ph.D. mentor. At first, like many undergraduates, I was just amazed to be in a real
    research laboratory, but became slightly disillusioned with research due to my
    preconceptions. My new lab was focused on materials research, which seemed more
    like chemistry and only seemed connected to electrical engineering due to the fact that
    crystalline SiC is a semiconductor. As time moved on, I slowly began to understand
    the importance of this research as educational maturity set in. Finally I was able to
    look past the chemistry and see a material which could withstand almost every base or
    acid compound, conduct large amounts of electricity, dissipate heat as well as copper,
    and even emit visible light from yellow to blue. I began to become intrigued with the
    possibilities, and wanted to build electrical devices with this wonderful material.
    After redesigning the control system for Professor Saddow’s SiC reactor, I was teamed
    with one of his graduate students, Dr. Camilla Coletti, who was studying the surface
    effects of hydrogen etching on SiC in collaboration with Dr Ulrich Starke of the Max-
    Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung in Stuttgart, Germany. Thanks to the
    graciousness of both Professor Saddow and Dr. Starke, I was able to study at the
    Institut for a month so that I could gather some data for Dr. Coletti. Here it was that I
    had my first “hands on” exposure to AFM. It was an experience I will never forget as
    we immediately got off the plane, drove to the institute, and after introductions to Dr.
    Starke’s group, Prof. Saddow trained me on how to operate the AFM. In a laboratory
    where there were many complicated, large, ultra-high vacuum instruments, like timeof-
    flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and scanning tunneling
    microscopy (STM) systems, the small, blue can-like system sitting on a floating table
    seemed almost out of place and ineffectual for surface science. However, I was amazed
    to find that such a simple machine could be used to examine so many different
    properties. I imaged the surfaces of the SiC materials we had hydrogen etched in the
    CVD reactor back in Florida, and Dr. Colletti was able to answer some issues she had
    concerning the etching process.
    I found that AFM was an invaluable tool in not only examining etched SiC surfaces,
    but also in the development of an improved heteroepitaxial growth process for cubic
    silicon carbide (3C-SiC) on silicon substrates, as many of the defects at the heteroepitaxial
    interface are transferred to the 3C-SiC film surface. AFM proved to be a fast
    and efficient method, especially when compared to instruments like transmission
    electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD), to perform quick analysis of
    the crystal film so one could determine what growth parameters needed to be adjusted
    for the reduction of defects. AFM reduced the amount of empirical experimentation
    involved in SiC heteroepitaxial growth, and reduced the analysis workload by
    allowing us to only analyze our best materials using more time and preparation
    intensive methods, like TEM and XRD.
    Of course, this is not a book about the use of AFM in materials science, as it is a
    mainstay in that field, but about the use of AFM in applications within biological
    sciences. Personally, the experience once again began with Professor Saddow, who
    saw the potential of SiC for use in medical technology. His group began in earnest to
    examine SiC biocompatibility using the AFM, starting with Dr. Coletti, continuing
    with myself, and now with Alexandra Oliveros, a current PhD candidate in his group,
    to this day. Dr. Saddow purchased a Park Systems XE-100 AFM system because it not
    only could examine dry materials, but with a removable liquid cell would allow us to
    examine the interaction of living cells on our materials. During my early graduate
    experience, I was exposed to many biological science techniques through Dr. Coletti.
    Her methods included chemical assays to examine cellular proliferation, fluorescent
    microscopy to examine cellular morphology, and AFM to examine fixed cells on our
    novel materials. During my Ph.D., I came across a difficulty that stemmed from many
    optical microscopes used for biology. Although 3C-SiC is translucent, our films are on
    silicon, which is opaque. The fluorescent optical microscopes I had available to me at
    the time were all inverted; illuminating the sample from the base and collecting the
    transmitted light from optics placed above the sample, making live examination of the
    cells difficult at best. The AFM provided the ideal solution in that we could look at the
    interaction between our novel materials and living cell concurrently. I also found that
    AFM easily visualized the protrusions of many motile cells, the lamellipodia and
    filopodia, and we monitored changes in these protrusions to get an insight into surface
    permissiveness. AFM also was able to image in great detail paraformaldehyde fixed
    cells. The AFM is a crucial tool in the exploration of both materials properties as well
    as biological processes on novel materials in Professor Saddow’s research. He is just
    one of many researchers the world over who are finding out that this tool can assist
    them with specific biological issues.
    The book is divided into five sections. It begins with a section which gives an overview
    of the AFM, its measurement modes, and techniques associated with the device. This
    section would be a good starting point for readers unfamiliar with this type of
    microscopy, but it also contains a good deal of information on image artifacts and
    difficulties associated with the AFM. The next four sections are divided by the objects
    being investigated. The second section investigates measurements concerning the
    smallest biological particles, proteins and amino acid molecules, with each subsequent
    section growing in biological complexity. The book ends with a section dedicated to
    the examination of cells, starting with sections of cells, then whole cells, then matrices
    of several fibers from cells.
    The first section, General Techniques, begins with an overview by Dr. Michele
    Giocondo, et al., which details AFM functional modes, the physics behind AFM
    functionality, and general examples of AFM applications for biological materials. This
    is followed by an excellent chapter by Dr. Egor Ukraintsev, et al. which details
    something that has plagued me personally, and I expect many others who have
    performed AFM at one time or another have seen as well: AFM artifacts. The final part
    of the section, by Dr. Nadine Mourougou-Candoni, not only examines the use of the
    tapping mode in liquid, but also gives an excellent assessment of the methods used to
    prepare biological materials for AFM investigation.
    Section two of the book investigates small (10-9 m) particles which either are
    components for larger, more complex structures, or are engineered by man to interact
    or visualize biological processes at this scale. Prof. Loredana Latterini and L. Tarpani
    report their utilization of AFM to examine interactions between engineered and
    industrial particulates with proteins and DNA to gain a better understanding of
    toxicity related to the workplace. The second chapter, by Dr. Taiji Ikawa, details his
    process to capture biological molecules within a matrix of azobenzene-containing
    polymers isomirized through photo-illumination so they can be more easily examined
    with the AFM. Professor Borut Božič, et al. detail the increasingly complex stages of
    their in vitro study which models interactions between a phospholipid membrane,
    proteins, and antibody-antigen interactions and is measured through the use of AFM.
    The last chapter in the section, by Dr. Dong Mingdong, et al., details investigation of
    various natural and artificial amyloid fibers, and provides as a bonus a detailed
    explanation of the method of using AFM as a force spectroscope.
    The biological complexity increases within the third section of the book, which is
    dedicated to the AFM methodologies for examining deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
    chromatin, and biological membranes. Professor Yong Jiang and Yuan Yin have
    generated AFM methods to quantitatively identify and examine DNA, and
    substantiate their results using gel electrophoresis. The next chapter, by Dr. Yamini
    Dalal, et al., increases the level of complexity and examines chromatins and related
    DNA transcriptional pathways through functionalized AFM tips. This chapter also
    provides an interesting comparison between many traditional biological analytical
    methodologies. Dr. György Váró and Zsolt Szegletes detail in the final chapter of the
    section the process for generating artificial and natural lipid membranes to allow for
    the examination of individual membrane proteins, like bacteriorhodopsin, with AFM
    The next section leaves the realm of the nanostructure and examines AFM for
    virology. Dr. Benjamín Pineda, et al., details virology basics and how AFM can be used
    to identify virus particles efficiently and quickly during the initial stages of an
    epidemic. The second chapter of this last section, by M.Sc. Luis Cuellar Jose, et al., uses
    the AFM in force spectroscopy mode to quantify and model viral shells and capsids as
    well as investigate viral receptor pathways through the functionalization of an AFM
    The final section of the book focuses on cellular components and processes, either
    through examination of different parts of a cell as a whole, or using the AFM to
    measure a whole cell and its functionality. Although the first chapter of the section
    does not examine cells per se, it exemplifies the spirit of the section in that Dr. David J.
    Burritt, et al. are fractionalizing plant cell walls in order to study their structure and
    composite materials. Their development AFM force mapping simulation is very
    interesting and could be applied to study structures in situ. The next section, by
    Professor Stephen E. Saddow, et al., combines both principals of using the AFM to
    examine novel materials and whole cell AFM to investigate aspects of neural
    permissiveness on a substrate as well as the effects of self assembled monolayers on
    cellular behavior. Dr. Irina V. Ogneva and Igor B. Ushakov end the section and the
    book by demonstrating how the AFM can be used to quantitatively measure the
    material properties of transversal stiffness and Young’s modulus in rat and gerbil
    skeletal muscle fibers.
    In closing I would like to give each of the authors and the people that assisted them in
    gathering the data and analysis for each of these chapters a great deal of thanks. These
    chapters show that there is not only a broad range of research that the AFM can be
    used for, but there are a lot of creative people who are moving the edge of science
    forward. The use of AFM in biology is clearly growing by leaps and bounds, as is seen
    by companies like Bruker and Park Systems making specific systems which combine
    fluorescent or confocal microscopes with the power of AFM. The wide variety of the
    subjects in this book shows that in the next decade will have AFM increase in
    popularity and utility within biological research. It is my hope that many of the
    readers of this book who are unfamiliar with the AFM technique will see the utility of
    this measurement and will be able to use it to perform investigations of their own.
    Lastly, I hope that you the reader will find that this book is interesting and
    Christopher L. Frewin
    University of South Florida