Luận Văn Assignment on elt practice Project: A Study on Test Designing

Thảo luận trong 'Ngoại Thương' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Part 1


    1.1. Reasons for choosing the topic

    Test is really important in teaching and learning English, not only with school children but also with all other types of learners

    It is no double that test is a useful way for teachers to base on and measure their students’ abilities or what they have gained in a period of learning. From the result of the test, the teachers themselves evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and adjust it, if necessary, to make it more suitable and efficient. Moreover, it is also a good way that shows the learners how much they have achieved and motivates them much in the learning process.

    Being an essential method to assess but writing a good test is not easy. It is indeed quite a challenge and it requires lots of patience and experience, and it takes a degree of trail and error. In order to design a good test, we have to know much about the theory, the rules of it.

    Since being aware of the importance of test and the difficulties in designing a good test, I want to spend time researching this topic so that I can understand more about it, then I can apply it effectively in my teaching career.

    1.2. Description of teaching, learning and testing English at Trung Vuong Secondary School : The teaching and learning process at Trung Vuong is taken placed in rather well-equipped conditions: The teaching aids, modern equipments are available. Moreover, the teachers are willing to assessed the modern technology and teach in the communicative way. Each class has about 50 students studying haft a day at school. Some classes have chances to learn with foreign teachers, so their learning environment is really good. Testing is also seriously administered. Each teacher has to design their own test before, and then all the others give comments and finally they choose the best ones to carry out. Every test has clear marking instruction and marking scale so teachers can mark the tests quickly and correctly. After each test, teachers and students correct it in further practice periods so that the students know where and how they were wrong, and where they need to improve.

    In this project, I will carry out test in 2 classes of grade 8. Students in grade 8 have three periods of English a week, three of which are spent on new lessons, the rest two for further practicing ( the practice may follow a particular topic or they may be the grammar practice periods).

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