Tài liệu ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Chapter 1: What’s the Big Idea 1
    Traditional ASP.NET 2
    What’s Wrong with Traditional ASP.NET? 3
    Web Development Today 5
    Web Standards and REST . 5
    Agile and Test-Driven Development 5
    Ruby on Rails 6
    Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC .7
    Model-View-Controller Architecture 8
    Extensibility . 8
    Testability 9
    Tight Control over HTML . 10
    Powerful New Routing System . 10
    Built on the Best Parts of the ASP.NET Platform 11
    .NET 3.5 Language Innovations . 12
    Get the Source Code 12
    Who Should Use ASP.NET MVC? 13
    Comparisons with ASP.NET WebForms 13
    Comparisons with Ruby on Rails 15
    Comparisons with MonoRail 16
    Summary 17
    ii ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview
    Chapter 2: Your First ASP.NET MVC Application .19
    Preparing Your Workstation 19
    Creating a New ASP.NET MVC Project 20
    Removing Unnecessary Files 21
    How Does It Work? . 24
    Rendering Web Pages .25
    Creating and Rendering a View 26
    Adding Dynamic Output . 28
    A Starter Application 30
    The Story . 30
    Linking Between Pages . 31
    Designing a Data Model 34
    Building a Strongly Typed Form 35
    Handling Form Submissions . 40
    Adding Validation . 42
    Preserving Form Data 47
    Finishing Off . 48
    Summary 50
    Chapter 3: Architecture .51
    Understanding Model-View-Controller Architecture 51
    The Smart UI (Anti-Pattern) . 52
    Separating Out the Domain Model 54
    Three-Tier Architecture . 56
    Model-View-Controller Architecture 57
    Variations on Model-View-Controller 61
    ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview iii
    Domain Modeling 63
    An Example Domain Model . 64
    Entities and Value Objects 64
    Ubiquitous Language 65
    Aggregates and Simplification 66
    Keeping Data Access Code in Repositories 69
    Using LINQ to SQL 71
    Building Loosely Coupled Components .80
    Taking a Balanced Approach 82
    Using Inversion of Control 83
    Using an IoC Container . 87
    Getting Started with Automated Testing 90
    Unit Tests and Integration Tests 93
    The Red-Green Development Style 94
    Summary 99
    Appendix: New C# 3 Language Features 101
    The Design Goal: Language Integrated Query .101
    Extension Methods 102
    Lambda Methods .104
    Generic Type Inference 105
    Automatic Properties .105
    Object and Collection Initializers .107
    Type Inference .108
    Anonymous Types .108
    Putting It All Together 110
    Deferred Execution .112
    iv ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview
    Using LINQ to Objects 112
    Lambda Expressions .114
    IQueryable<T> and LINQ to SQL .115
    LINQ to Everything 118
    Related Titles . 119

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    Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13, trong diễn đàn: Lập Trình
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