Tài liệu Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Praise for Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns
    About the Author
    Preface: Bridging Gaps

    Part I: Background
    Chapter 1. Values to Value: Or Embarrassing Ramblings When Self-Reflecting on the Last Few Years
    Overall Values
    Architecture Styles to Value
    Process Ingredients to Value
    Continuous Integration
    Don't Forget About Operations
    Chapter 2. A Head Start on Patterns
    A Little Bit About Patterns
    Design Patterns
    Architectural Patterns
    Design Patterns for Specific Types of Applications
    Domain Patterns
    Chapter 3. TDD and Refactoring
    Test-Driven Development (TDD)
    Mocks and Stubs
    Part II: Applying DDD
    Chapter 4. A New Default Architecture
    The Basis of the New Default Architecture
    A First Sketch
    Making a First Attempt at Hooking the UI to the Domain Model
    Yet Another Dimension
    Chapter 5. Moving Further with Domain-Driven Design
    Refining the Domain Model Through Simple TDD Experimentation
    Fluent Interface
    Chapter 6. Preparing for Infrastructure
    POCO as a Lifestyle
    Dealing with Save Scenarios
    Let's Build the Fake Mechanism
    Database Testing
    Chapter 7. Let the Rules Rule
    Categorization of Rules
    Principles for Rules and Their Usage
    Starting to Create an API
    Requirements for a Basic Rules API Related to Persistence
    Focus on Domain-Related Rules
    Extending the API
    Refining the Implementation
    Binding to the Persistence Abstraction
    Generics and Anonymous Methods to the Rescue
    What Others Have Done
    Part III: Applying PoEaa
    Chapter 8. Infrastructure for Persistence
    Requirements on the Persistence Infrastructure
    Where to Store Data
    Another Classification: Infrastructure Patterns
    Chapter 9. Putting NHibernate into Action
    Why NHibernate?
    A Short Introduction to NHibernate
    Requirements of the Persistence Infrastructure
    Another Classification: Infrastructure Patterns
    NHibernate and DDD
    Part IV: What's Next?
    Chapter 10. Design Techniques to Embrace
    Context Is King
    An Introduction to SOA
    Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
    Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
    Chapter 11. Focus on the UI
    A Prepilogue
    The Model-View-Controller Pattern
    Test-Driving a Web Form
    Mapping and Wrapping
    Part V: Appendices
    Appendix A. Other Domain Model Styles
    Object-Oriented Data Model, Smart Service Layer, and Documents
    The Database Model Is the Domain Model
    Pragmatism and the Nontraditional Approach
    Appendix B. Catalog of Discussed Patterns
    Abstract Factory [GoF Design Patterns]
    Aggregate [Evans DDD]
    Bounded Context [Evans DDD]
    Chain of Responsibility [GoF Design Patterns]
    Class Table Inheritance [Fowler PoEAA]
    Coarse-Grained Lock [Fowler PoEAA]
    Collecting Parameter Pattern [Beck SBPP]
    Concrete Table Inheritance [Fowler PoEAA]
    Data Mapper [Fowler PoEAA]
    Data Transfer Objects [Fowler PoEAA]
    Decorator [GoF Design Patterns]
    Dependency Injection
    Domain Model [Fowler PoEAA]
    Embedded Value [Fowler PoEAA]
    Entity [Evans DDD]
    Factory [Evans DDD]
    Factory Method [GoF Design Patterns]
    Foreign Key Mapping [Fowler PoEAA]
    Generation Gap [Vlissides Pattern Hatching]
    Identity Field [Fowler PoEAA]
    Identity Map [Fowler PoEAA]
    Implicit Lock [Fowler PoEAA]
    Layer Supertype [Fowler PoEAA]
    Layers [POSA]
    Lazy Load [Fowler PoEAA]
    Metadata Mapping [Fowler PoEAA]
    Model View Controller [Fowler PoEAA]
    Model View Presenter [Fowler PoEAA2]
    Notification [Fowler PoEAA2]
    Null Object [Woolf Null Object]
    Optimistic Offline Lock [Fowler PoEAA]
    Party Archetype [Arlow/Neustadt Archetype Patterns]
    Pessimistic Offline Lock [Fowler PoEAA]
    Pipes and Filters [POSA]
    Presentation Model [Fowler PoEAA2]
    Proxy [GoF Design Patterns]
    Query Object [Fowler PoEAA]
    Recordset [Fowler PoEAA]
    Reflection [POSA]
    Registry [Fowler PoEAA]
    Remote Façade [Fowler PoEAA]
    Repository [Evans DDD]
    Separated Presentation [Fowler PoEAA2]
    Service Layer [Fowler PoEAA]
    Service Locator [Alur/Crupi/Malks Core J2EE Patterns]
    Services [Evans DDD]
    Single Table Inheritance [Fowler PoEAA]
    Singleton [GoF Design Patterns]
    Specification [Evans DDD]
    State [GoF Design Patterns]
    Table Module [Fowler PoEAA]
    Template Method [GoF Design Patterns]
    Transaction Script [Fowler PoEAA]
    Unit of Work [Fowler PoEAA]
    Value Object [Evans DDD]

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