Thạc Sĩ Analysis of job satisfaction level at Delta civil construction and industries public company limited

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    Luận án tiến sĩ năm 2013
    Đề tài: Analysis of job satisfaction level at Delta civil construction and industries public company limited
    Phân tích sự thỏa mãn trong công việc của người lao động tại công ty cổ phần xây dựng và lắp đặt Delta
    Luận án được trình bày bằng tiếng Anh

    1.1. Rationale 1
    1.2. Background of the company 2
    1.3. Statement of the Problem for the Research Study .2
    1.4. Objectives of the Research Study 3
    1.5. Conceptual Framework of the Research Study .3
    1.6. Scope of the Research Study 5
    1.7. Methodology for the Research Study 5
    1.7.1. Primary data 5
    1.7.2. Secondary data: .5
    1.8. The Expected Contributions of the Research Study 5
    1.9. Limitation of the Research Study 6
    1.10. Organization of the Research Study .6
    2.1. Definitions of Job Satisfaction .7
    2.2. Theories of Job Satisfaction .8
    2.2.1. Locke’s Value Discrepancy Theory 8
    2.2.2. Lawler’s Facet Theory 9
    2.2.3. Work Adjustment Theory .11
    2.3. Factors affect job satisfaction 13
    2.3.1. The nature of jobs .14
    2.3.2. Salary .14
    2.3.3. Colleagues .15
    2.3.4. Leadership .15
    2.3.5. Training opportunities and getting promotion: .15
    2.3.6. Working environments 16
    2.4. Some research results of job satisfactions of labors. 16
    2.4.1. Andrew ‘S research(2002) 16
    2.4.2. Tom’s research (2007) 17
    2.4.3. Research of Tran Kim Dung and her corporators: 17
    2.4.4. Research of Keith and John 18
    2.5. Research model .18
    3.1.Research design .21
    3.1.1.Research methods .21
    3.1.2.Research process .22
    3.2.Official research 24
    3.2.1. Designing by questions .24
    3.2.2.Expression and coding scales 24
    3.2.3.Evaluating measurement scales 27
    3.2.4.Research design .29
    4.1.Collected data 30
    4.2.Scale evaluation .32
    4.1.1. Results of evaluation scale factors affecting job satisfaction in employees
    in Delta Civil Construction and Industries Public Company Limited .32
    4.2.1. Scales to assess satisfaction 35
    4.3.1. Results of factors analysis .36
    4.3.2. Naming and explaining factors .38
    4.3.3.Interpretation of results .38
    4.4.Adjustment model .39
    4.4.1. Contents of adjusment .39
    4.4.2. Hypothesis for adjustment model .39
    4.5. Testing factors of model .40
    4.5.1. Inspection of the correlation coefficient .40
    4.5.2.Regression analysis .40
    4.6.Testing hypothesis .43
    4.7. Inspection of the difference in the lwvels of satisfaction according to
    individual charasteristics 45
    4.7.1.Testing the impact of different levels of age toward job satisfaction of
    employees in Delta Manufacturing and Engineering Joint Stock
    Company. 47
    4.7.2.Testing differences in “ qualifications” toward job satisfaction of
    employees in Delta Manufacturing and Engineering Joint Stock Company 48
    4.7.3.Table 4.21: Results of One-Way ANOVA compare levels of job
    satisfaction according to “ seniority” 48
    4.7.4. Inspection of the different impacts of"departments" toward levels of job
    satisfaction of the employees in Delta Civil Construction and Industries
    Public Company Limited 49
    4.8. Statistical results on levels of satisfaction levels of satisfaction in
    general and groups of factors .50
    4.8.1.General satisfaction .50
    4.8.2. Satisfaction in each group element .50 Levels of satisfaction factor according to group "colleagues" .50
    5.1. A summary of the study 56
    5.2. Summary of research findings .57
    5.3. Some solutions to increase levels ofjob satisfaction of working staff in
    delta civil construction and industries public company limited .58
    5.3.1.Colleagues issues 61
    5.3.2.Leadership issues 62
    5.4. Limitations of the research and next research direction .64
    5.4.1 Linitations of the research .64
    5.4.2 Next research direction .64

    1.1. Rationale
    Specific employee attitude relating to job satisfaction is one of the major
    interests to the field of organizational behavior and the practice of human
    resource management. Job satisfaction is one of the most researched areas in
    Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology. It estimated that over 3,000
    articles have been written on the topic. The subject has aroused so much
    interest because of three main reasons.
    First, it is cultural in the sense that as a nation that values individual
    freedom, personal growth, and opportunity.For example, in certain European
    countries, like Germany, Sweden and Holland, there has been a long-standing
    concern for industrial democracy, in which the feelings of workers are of
    major importance. However, in some other European countries and in other
    parts of the world, interest in the quality of work life is emerged (De Wolff &
    Shimmin, 1976).
    The second reason for interest in job satisfaction is functional. Some
    research studies have shown that satisfaction is related to other important
    variables like absenteeism, turnover,and performance. Though we do not
    know if job satisfaction has a causal relationship with these variables (for
    example, if high job satisfaction will cause a worker to be absent less often),
    we do know that feelings of high job satisfaction are associated with certain
    levels of these variables. Because the company wants less absenteeism, less
    turnover and better performance, then increasing job satisfaction might help
    in meeting these objectives.
    Finally, there is a historical basis to job satisfaction research. The
    studies began in the 1920s as research on the effects of work and illumination
    on productivity, but the emphasis soon shifted to attitudes. In the late 1950s
    and early 1960s, attention was given todesigning jobs that were more
    satisfying, This early research was the nucleus for current work on changing
    the environment (design jobs) to improve work life.
    This is clearly visible that job satisfaction is an important consideration
    for manager as specific attitude of employees maybe related to critical
    behaviors such as absenteeism and turnover. The theory and research on job
    satisfaction can be useful to managers by helping them understand employee
    attitudes about the workplace.
    1.2. Background of the company
    Delta Civil Construction & Industries Public Company Limited (DCI)
    has been established since 1984. It is located at Rojana Industrial Park in
    Ayutthaya, Thailand. The company provides architecture design and
    construction consultations and also serves as a main or sub contractor of many
    civil construction projects.
    1.3. Statement of the Problem for the Research Study
    The researcher has aimed to study different factors behind job
    satisfaction and use Delta Civil Construction & Industries Public Company
    Limited (DCI) as a case study. The company is facing a problem about high
    turnover of employee
    . This has led to the management’s concern on labor
    productivity as it takes sometime for the company to train these workers to
    achieve their expected level of performance on the job. The causes for labor
    turnover may result from many reasons both from employees themselves and
    the organization. From organizational perspective, employee turnover can
    represent a significant cost in terms of lost recruiting, training, socialization
    investments, disruption and replacement costs, and a variety of indirect costs.
    From discussion with Ms. Banyai Utungkas, Vice President of Industrial Relationships, and Ms. Sasinunt
    Srisala, Personnel Section Manager, in 2000, there were total 2,615 employees, the employee turnover rate
    was as high as 5.3 percent per month, that was about 125 employees per month.
    From the theoretical view, factors behind this problem could be
    satisfaction of employees. The researcherhas been informed that no employee
    attitude survey has been done beforeby the Human Resource Management of
    the company. Thus, this research studyis designed to identify the factors
    behind job satisfaction. Moreover, the researcher expects that having this
    information may allow human managementto capitalize on ‘satisfiers’ when
    planning and updating recruitment and retention programs and thereby to
    reduce unnecessary fiscal loss.
    1.4. Objectives of the Research Study
    The major objective of the study is tofind out different factors behind
    job satisfaction of employees in Delta Civil Construction & Industries Public
    Co., Ltd. The following specific objectives will be considered:
    ♦ To study employees’ job satisfaction level in the company.
    ♦ To study the different factors thataffect to job satisfaction of
    employees in the company.
    ♦ To give some useful recommendations to improve employee’s
    satisfaction in the company.
    1.5. Conceptual Framework of the Research Study
    This research study will include four main parts:
    The literature review will be undertaken formulate conceptual
    framework deriving from various the theories of job satisfaction and different
    factors and components that concern employee’s attitudes.
    The second part is devoted tothe research methodology which
    includes research design, target population, instrument and scale
    construction, methods ofobservation and measurement, and methods of
    obtaining and analyzing data.

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