Sách Analysis Concepts

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Khác' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About This Manual
    Conventions .xv
    Related Documentation xv
    PART I
    Signal Processing and Signal Analysis
    Chapter 1
    Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Analysis in LabVIEW
    The Importance of Data Analysis 1-1
    Sampling Signals .1-2
    Aliasing 1-4
    Increasing Sampling Frequency to Avoid Aliasing .1-6
    Anti-Aliasing Filters 1-7
    Converting to Logarithmic Units .1-8
    Displaying Results on a Decibel Scale 1-9
    Chapter 2
    Signal Generation
    Common Test Signals 2-1
    Frequency Response Measurements 2-5
    Multitone Generation .2-5
    Crest Factor .2-6
    Phase Generation .2-6
    Swept Sine versus Multitone .2-8
    Noise Generation .2-10
    Normalized Frequency .2-12
    Wave and Pattern VIs 2-14
    Phase Control .2-14
    Chapter 3
    Digital Filtering
    Introduction to Filtering .3-1
    Advantages of Digital Filtering Compared to Analog Filtering 3-1
    Common Digital Filters .3-2
    Impulse Response 3-2

    Classifying Filters by Impulse Response 3-3
    Filter Coefficients . 3-4
    Characteristics of an Ideal Filter 3-5
    Practical (Nonideal) Filters 3-6
    Transition Band . 3-6
    Passband Ripple and Stopband Attenuation . 3-7
    Sampling Rate . 3-8
    FIR Filters 3-9
    Taps . 3-11
    Designing FIR Filters 3-11
    Designing FIR Filters by Windowing 3-14
    Designing Optimum FIR Filters Using the Parks-McClellan
    Algorithm . 3-15
    Designing Equiripple FIR Filters Using the Parks-McClellan
    Algorithm . 3-16
    Designing Narrowband FIR Filters 3-16
    Designing Wideband FIR Filters 3-19
    IIR Filters . 3-19
    Cascade Form IIR Filtering . 3-20
    Second-Order Filtering . 3-22
    Fourth-Order Filtering 3-23
    IIR Filter Types . 3-23
    Minimizing Peak Error . 3-24
    Butterworth Filters 3-24
    Chebyshev Filters . 3-25
    Chebyshev II Filters 3-26
    Elliptic Filters . 3-27
    Bessel Filters . 3-28
    Designing IIR Filters . 3-30
    IIR Filter Characteristics in LabVIEW . 3-31
    Transient Response . 3-32
    Comparing FIR and IIR Filters 3-33
    Nonlinear Filters 3-33
    Example: Analyzing Noisy Pulse with a Median Filter 3-34
    Selecting a Digital Filter Design . 3-35
    Chapter 4
    Frequency Analysis
    Differences between Frequency Domain and Time Domain 4-1
    Parseval’s Relationship . 4-3
    Fourier Transform . 4-4

    Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 4-5
    Relationship between N Samples in the Frequency and Time Domains .4-5
    Example of Calculating DFT .4-6
    Magnitude and Phase Information .4-8
    Frequency Spacing between DFT Samples .4-9
    FFT Fundamentals .4-12
    Computing Frequency Components 4-13
    Fast FFT Sizes .4-14
    Zero Padding .4-14
    FFT VI .4-15
    Displaying Frequency Information from Transforms 4-16
    Two-Sided, DC-Centered FFT 4-17
    Mathematical Representation of a Two-Sided, DC-Centered FFT .4-18
    Creating a Two-Sided, DC-Centered FFT .4-19
    Power Spectrum .4-22
    Converting a Two-Sided Power Spectrum to a Single-Sided
    Power Spectrum 4-23
    Loss of Phase Information .4-25
    Computations on the Spectrum 4-25
    Estimating Power and Frequency 4-25
    Computing Noise Level and Power Spectral Density .4-27
    Computing the Amplitude and Phase Spectrums 4-28
    Calculating Amplitude in Vrms and Phase in Degrees .4-29
    Frequency Response Function .4-30
    Cross Power Spectrum .4-31
    Frequency Response and Network Analysis .4-31
    Frequency Response Function .4-32
    Impulse Response Function .4-33
    Coherence Function .4-33
    Windowing .4-34
    Averaging to Improve the Measurement .4-35
    RMS Averaging .4-35
    Vector Averaging 4-36
    Peak Hold 4-36
    Weighting 4-37
    Echo Detection .4-37
    Chapter 5
    Smoothing Windows
    Spectral Leakage 5-1
    Sampling an Integer Number of Cycles 5-2
    Sampling a Noninteger Number of Cycles 5-3
    Windowing Signals 5-5

    Characteristics of Different Smoothing Windows 5-11
    Main Lobe . 5-12
    Side Lobes . 5-12
    Rectangular (None) . 5-13
    Hanning . 5-14
    Hamming . 5-15
    Kaiser-Bessel 5-15
    Triangle . 5-16
    Flat Top . 5-17
    Exponential . 5-18
    Windows for Spectral Analysis versus Windows for Coefficient Design 5-19
    Spectral Analysis . 5-19
    Windows for FIR Filter Coefficient Design . 5-21
    Choosing the Correct Smoothing Window 5-21
    Scaling Smoothing Windows 5-23
    Chapter 6
    Distortion Measurements
    Defining Distortion 6-1
    Application Areas . 6-2
    Harmonic Distortion 6-2
    THD 6-3
    THD + N . 6-4
    SINAD 6-4
    Chapter 7
    DC/RMS Measurements
    What Is the DC Level of a Signal? 7-1
    What Is the RMS Level of a Signal? . 7-2
    Averaging to Improve the Measurement . 7-3
    Common Error Sources Affecting DC and RMS Measurements 7-4
    DC Overlapped with Single Tone . 7-4
    Defining the Equivalent Number of Digits . 7-5
    DC Plus Sine Tone 7-5
    Windowing to Improve DC Measurements 7-6
    RMS Measurements Using Windows . 7-8
    Using Windows with Care 7-8
    Rules for Improving DC and RMS Measurements . 7-9
    RMS Levels of Specific Tones . 7-9

    Chapter 8
    Limit Testing
    Setting up an Automated Test System .8-1
    Specifying a Limit .8-1
    Specifying a Limit Using a Formula .8-3
    Limit Testing .8-4
    Applications .8-6
    Modem Manufacturing Example .8-6
    Digital Filter Design Example .8-7
    Pulse Mask Testing Example 8-8
    Chapter 9
    Curve Fitting
    Introduction to Curve Fitting .9-1
    Applications of Curve Fitting 9-2
    General LS Linear Fit Theory 9-3
    Polynomial Fit with a Single Predictor Variable .9-6
    Curve Fitting in LabVIEW 9-7
    Linear Fit .9-8
    Exponential Fit 9-8
    General Polynomial Fit 9-8
    General LS Linear Fit 9-9
    Computing Covariance .9-10
    Building the Observation Matrix 9-10
    Nonlinear Levenberg-Marquardt Fit .9-11
    Chapter 10
    Probability and Statistics
    Statistics .10-1
    Mean 10-3
    Median .10-3
    Sample Variance and Population Variance .10-4
    Sample Variance .10-4
    Population Variance 10-5
    Standard Deviation 10-5
    Mode 10-5

    Moment about the Mean . 10-5
    Skewness 10-6
    Kurtosis . 10-6
    Histogram 10-6
    Mean Square Error (mse) 10-7
    Root Mean Square (rms) . 10-8
    Probability .10-8
    Random Variables . 10-8
    Discrete Random Variables 10-9
    Continuous Random Variables . 10-9
    Normal Distribution 10-10
    Computing the One-Sided Probability of a Normally
    Distributed Random Variable 10-11
    Finding x with a Known p 10-12
    Probability Distribution and Density Functions 10-12
    Chapter 11
    Linear Algebra
    Linear Systems and Matrix Analysis . 11-1
    Types of Matrices 11-1
    Determinant of a Matrix 11-2
    Transpose of a Matrix . 11-3
    Linear Independence . 11-3
    Matrix Rank 11-4
    Magnitude (Norms) of Matrices . 11-5
    Determining Singularity (Condition Number) 11-7
    Basic Matrix Operations and Eigenvalues-Eigenvector Problems 11-8
    Dot Product and Outer Product . 11-10
    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 11-12
    Matrix Inverse and Solving Systems of Linear Equations 11-14
    Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations 11-14
    Matrix Factorization 11-16
    Pseudoinverse 11-17
    Chapter 12
    Introduction to Optimization . 12-1
    Constraints on the Objective Function 12-2
    Linear and Nonlinear Programming Problems . 12-2
    Discrete Optimization Problems . 12-2
    Continuous Optimization Problems 12-2
    Solving Problems Iteratively . 12-3

    Linear Programming 12-3
    Linear Programming Simplex Method 12-4
    Nonlinear Programming 12-4
    Impact of Derivative Use on Search Method Selection 12-5
    Line Minimization .12-5
    Local and Global Minima 12-5
    Global Minimum .12-6
    Local Minimum .12-6
    Downhill Simplex Method 12-6
    Golden Section Search Method .12-7
    Choosing a New Point x in the Golden Section 12-8
    Gradient Search Methods 12-9
    Caveats about Converging to an Optimal Solution .12-10
    Terminating Gradient Search Methods .12-10
    Conjugate Direction Search Methods 12-11
    Conjugate Gradient Search Methods .12-12
    Theorem A 12-12
    Theorem B .12-13
    Difference between Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribiere 12-14
    Chapter 13
    General Form of a Polynomial .13-1
    Basic Polynomial Operations .13-2
    Order of Polynomial 13-2
    Polynomial Evaluation 13-2
    Polynomial Addition .13-3
    Polynomial Subtraction .13-3
    Polynomial Multiplication .13-3
    Polynomial Division 13-3
    Polynomial Composition .13-5
    Greatest Common Divisor of Polynomials 13-5
    Least Common Multiple of Two Polynomials 13-6
    Derivatives of a Polynomial 13-7
    Integrals of a Polynomial .13-8
    Indefinite Integral of a Polynomial .13-8
    Definite Integral of a Polynomial 13-8
    Number of Real Roots of a Real Polynomial 13-8
    Rational Polynomial Function Operations .13-11
    Rational Polynomial Function Addition 13-11
    Rational Polynomial Function Subtraction .13-11
    Rational Polynomial Function Multiplication .13-12
    Rational Polynomial Function Division 13-12

    Negative Feedback with a Rational Polynomial Function 13-12
    Positive Feedback with a Rational Polynomial Function . 13-12
    Derivative of a Rational Polynomial Function . 13-13
    Partial Fraction Expansion 13-13
    Heaviside Cover-Up Method 13-14
    Orthogonal Polynomials 13-15
    Chebyshev Orthogonal Polynomials of the First Kind . 13-15
    Chebyshev Orthogonal Polynomials of the Second Kind . 13-16
    Gegenbauer Orthogonal Polynomials . 13-16
    Hermite Orthogonal Polynomials . 13-17
    Laguerre Orthogonal Polynomials 13-17
    Associated Laguerre Orthogonal Polynomials . 13-18
    Legendre Orthogonal Polynomials . 13-18
    Evaluating a Polynomial with a Matrix . 13-19
    Polynomial Eigenvalues and Vectors . 13-20
    Entering Polynomials in LabVIEW . 13-22
    Point-By-Point Analysis
    Chapter 14
    Point-By-Point Analysis
    Introduction to Point-By-Point Analysis . 14-1
    Using the Point By Point VIs 14-2
    Initializing Point By Point VIs 14-2
    Purpose of Initialization in Point By Point VIs 14-2
    Using the First Call? Function 14-3
    Error Checking and Initialization . 14-3
    Frequently Asked Questions 14-5
    What Are the Differences between Point-By-Point Analysis
    and Array-Based Analysis in LabVIEW? 14-5
    Why Use Point-By-Point Analysis? 14-6
    What Is New about Point-By-Point Analysis? 14-7
    What Is Familiar about Point-By-Point Analysis? 14-7
    How Is It Possible to Perform Analysis without Buffers of Data? . 14-7
    Why Is Point-By-Point Analysis Effective in Real-Time Applications? 14-8
    Do I Need Point-By-Point Analysis? 14-8
    What Is the Long-Term Importance of Point-By-Point Analysis? . 14-9
    Case Study of Point-By-Point Analysis 14-9
    Point-By-Point Analysis of Train Wheels 14-9
    Overview of the LabVIEW Point-By-Point Solution . 14-11
    Characteristics of a Train Wheel Waveform . 14-12

    Analysis Stages of the Train Wheel PtByPt VI .14-13
    DAQ Stage 14-13
    Filter Stage 14-13
    Analysis Stage .14-14
    Events Stage 14-15
    Report Stage 14-15
    Conclusion .14-16
    Appendix A
    Appendix B
    Technical Support and Professional Services


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