Sách An Introduction to Digital Image Processing with Matlab - Alasdair McAndrew

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Điểm thành tích:
    An Introduction to Digital Image
    Processing with Matlab
    Notes for SCM2511 Image
    Processing 1
    Semester 1, 2004
    Alasdair McAndrew

    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Images and pictures . 1
    1.2 What is image processing? . 1
    1.3 Image Acquisition and sampling 4
    1.4 Images and digital images . 8
    1.5 Some applications 10
    1.6 Aspects of image processing 11
    1.7 An image processing task . 12
    1.8 Types of digital images . 12
    1.9 Image File Sizes . 14
    1.10 Image perception 16
    1.11 Greyscale images 17
    1.12 RGB Images . 19
    1.13 Indexed colour images . 21
    1.14 Data types and conversions 23
    1.15 Basics of image display . 24
    1.16 The imshow function 26
    1.17 Bit planes 30
    1.18 Spatial Resolution . 30
    Exercises 34
    2 Point Processing 37
    2.1 Introduction . 37
    2.2 Arithmetic operations . 38
    2.3 Histograms . 42
    2.4 Lookup tables 53
    Exercises 54
    3 Neighbourhood Processing 57
    3.1 Introduction . 57
    3.2 Notation . 61
    3.3 Filtering in Matlab 62
    3.4 Frequencies; low and high pass lters . 66
    3.5 Edge sharpening 70
    3.6 Non-linear lters 76
    Exercises 77
    4 The Fourier Transform 81
    CONTENTS iii
    4.1 Introduction . 81
    4.2 Background . 81
    4.3 The one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform . 81
    4.4 The two-dimensional DFT . 85
    4.5 Fourier transforms in Matlab 90
    4.6 Fourier transforms of images 92
    4.7 Filtering in the frequency domain . 96
    Exercises 107
    5 Image Restoration (1) 109
    5.1 Introduction . 109
    5.2 Noise . 110
    5.3 Cleaning salt and pepper noise 113
    5.4 Cleaning Gaussian noise 117
    Exercises 121
    6 Image Restoration (2) 125
    6.1 Removal of periodic noise . 125
    6.2 Inverse ltering . 127
    6.3 Wiener ltering . 132
    Exercises 133
    7 Image Segmentation (1) 137
    7.1 Introduction . 137
    7.2 Thresholding 137
    7.3 Applications of thresholding 140
    7.4 Adaptive thresholding . 141
    Exercises 144
    8 Image Segmentation (2) 145
    8.1 Edge detection . 145
    8.2 Derivatives and edges 145
    8.3 Second derivatives . 151
    8.4 The Hough transform 155
    Exercises 160
    9 Mathematical morphology (1) 163
    9.1 Introduction . 163
    9.2 Basic ideas 163
    9.3 Dilation and erosion 165
    Exercises 173
    10 Mathematical morphology (2) 175
    10.1 Opening and closing 175
    10.2 The hit-or-miss transform . 180
    10.3 Some morphological algorithms 182
    Exercises 187
    11 Colour processing 191
    11.1 What is colour? . 191
    11.2 Colour models 195
    11.3 Colour images in Matlab . 199
    11.4 Pseudocolouring . 202
    11.5 Processing of colour images 205
    Exercises 211
    12 Image coding and compression 215
    12.1 Lossless and lossy compression . 215
    12.2 Human coding . 215
    12.3 Run length encoding 218
    Exercises 222
    Bibliography 225
    Index 226
    Chapter 1
    1.1 Images and pictures
    As we mentioned in the preface, human beings are predominantly visual creatures: we rely heavily
    on our vision to make sense of the world around us. We not only look at things to identify and
    classify them, but we can scan for dierences, and obtain an overall rough feeling for a scene with
    a quick glance.
    Humans have evolved very precise visual skills: we can identify a face in an instant; we can
    dierentiate colours; we can process a large amount of visual information very quickly.
    However, the world is in constant motion: stare at something for long enough and it will change
    in some way. Even a large solid structure, like a building or a mountain, will change its appearance
    depending on the time of day (day or night); amount of sunlight (clear or cloudy), or various shadows
    falling upon it.
    We are concerned with single images: snapshots, if you like, of a visual scene. Although image
    processing can deal with changing scenes, we shall not discuss it in any detail in this text.
    For our purposes, an image is a single picture which represents something. It may be a picture
    of a person, of people or animals, or of an outdoor scene, or a microphotograph of an electronic
    component, or the result of medical imaging. Even if the picture is not immediately recognizable,
    it will not be just a random blur.
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