Tài liệu Ajax Design Patterns

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Part I: Introduction
    Chapter 1. Introducing Ajax

    Section 1.1. Ajax and the Usable Web
    Section 1.2. The Rise of Ajax
    Section 1.3. Ajaxifying the Web: The Story of Portals
    Section 1.4. Webifying the Desktop: The Story of Office Applications
    Section 1.5. Characteristics of Ajax Applications
    Section 1.6. The Ajax Technologies
    Section 1.7. Anatomy of a Server Call
    Section 1.8. Ajax Trends
    Section 1.9. Conclusions
    Chapter 2. A Pattern-Led Tutorial
    Section 2.1. Ajax Technologies in a Blink
    Section 2.2. Ajaxifying a Web App: One Pattern at a Time
    Section 2.3. Projects and Katas
    Section 2.4. Conclusions
    Chapter 3. Ajax Design: Principles and Patterns
    Section 3.1. Desirable Attributes of Ajax Applications
    Section 3.2. Designing for Ajax
    Section 3.3. Ajax Patterns Overview
    Section 3.4. Anatomy of a Pattern
    Section 3.5. Ajax Patterns Demos
    Section 3.6. Conclusions
    Part II: Foundational Technology Patterns
    Chapter 4. Ajax App

    Section 4.1. Ajax App
    Chapter 5. Display Manipulation
    Section 5.1. Display Morphing
    Section 5.2. Page Rearrangement
    Chapter 6. Web Remoting
    Section 6.1. Web Service
    Section 6.2. XMLHttpRequest Call
    Section 6.3. IFrame Call
    Section 6.4. HTTP Streaming
    Section 6.5. On-Demand JavaScript
    Chapter 7. Dynamic Behavior
    Section 7.1. User Action
    Section 7.2. Scheduling
    Chapter 8. Extended Technologies
    Section 8.1. Richer Plugin
    Part III: Programming Patterns
    Chapter 9. Web Services
    Section 9.1. RESTful Service
    Section 9.2. RPC Service
    Section 9.3. Ajax Stub
    Section 9.4. HTML Message
    Section 9.5. Plain-Text Message
    Section 9.6. XML Message
    Section 9.7. JSON Message
    Chapter 10. Browser-Server Dialogue
    Section 10.1. Call Tracking
    Section 10.2. Periodic Refresh
    Section 10.3. Submission Throttling
    Section 10.4. Explicit Submission
    Section 10.5. Distributed Events
    Section 10.6. Cross-Domain Proxy
    Chapter 11. DOM Population
    Section 11.1. XML Data Island
    Section 11.2. Browser-Side XSLT
    Section 11.3. Browser-Side Templating
    Chapter 12. Code Generation and Reuse
    Section 12.1. Server-Side Code Generation
    Section 12.2. Cross-Browser Component
    Chapter 13. Performance Optimization
    Section 13.1. Browser-Side Cache
    Section 13.2. Predictive Fetch
    Section 13.3. Guesstimate
    Section 13.4. Multi-Stage Download
    Section 13.5. Fat Client
    Part IV: Functionality and Usability Patterns
    Chapter 14. Widgets
    Section 14.1. Slider
    Section 14.2. Progress Indicator
    Section 14.3. Drilldown
    Section 14.4. Data Grid
    Section 14.5. Rich Text Editor
    Section 14.6. Suggestion
    Section 14.7. Live Search
    Section 14.8. Live Command-Line
    Section 14.9. Live Form
    Chapter 15. Page Architecture
    Section 15.1. Drag-And-Drop
    Section 15.2. Sprite
    Section 15.3. Popup
    Section 15.4. Malleable Content
    Section 15.5. Microlink
    Section 15.6. Portlet
    Section 15.7. Status Area
    Section 15.8. Update Control
    Section 15.9. Virtual Workspace
    Chapter 16. Visual Effects
    Section 16.1. One-Second Spotlight
    Section 16.2. One-Second Mutation
    Section 16.3. One-Second Motion
    Section 16.4. Highlight
    Chapter 17. Functionality
    Section 17.1. Lazy Registration
    Section 17.2. Direct Login
    Section 17.3. Host-Proof Hosting
    Section 17.4. Timeout
    Section 17.5. Heartbeat
    Section 17.6. Unique URLs
    Part V: Development Patterns
    Chapter 18. Diagnosis
    Section 18.1. Logging
    Section 18.2. Debugging
    Section 18.3. DOM Inspection
    Section 18.4. Traffic Sniffing
    Chapter 19. Testing
    Section 19.1. Simulation Service
    Section 19.2. Browser-Side Test
    Section 19.3. Service Test
    Section 19.4. System Test
    Part VI: Appendixes
    Ajax Frameworks and Libraries
    Section A.1. JavaScript Multipurpose Frameworks
    Section A.2. JavaScript Remoting Frameworks
    Section A.3. JavaScript Effects Frameworks
    Section A.4. JavaScript Flash Frameworks
    Section A.5. JavaScript XML Frameworks
    Section A.6. JavaScript Specialized Frameworks
    Section A.7. Multilanguage Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.8. C++ Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.9. ColdFusion Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.10. .NET Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.11. Java Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.12. Lisp Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.13. Perl Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.14. PHP Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.15. Python Ajax Frameworks
    Section A.16. Ruby Ajax Frameworks
    Setting Up the Code Examples
    Patterns and Pattern Languages
    About the Author

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