Tài liệu Advanced understanding of neurodegenerative diseases - Edited by Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang

Thảo luận trong 'Y Khoa - Y Dược' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Edited by Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang

    Preface IX
    Part 1 Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia 1
    Chapter 1 Alzheimer's Disease: Definition,
    Molecular and Genetic Factors 3
    Eva Babusikova, Andrea Evinova,
    Jana Jurecekova, Milos Jesenak and Dusan Dobrota
    Chapter 2 Evidence for an Infectious
    Etiology in Alzheimer’s Disease 29
    Brian Balin, Christine Hammond,
    C. Scott Little, Denah Appelt and Susan Hingley
    Chapter 3 Amyloid Hypothesis and Alzheimer's Disease 53
    Xiaqin Sun and Yan Zhang
    Chapter 4 Structure-Toxicity Relationships
    of Amyloid Peptide Oligomers 89
    Patrick Walsh and Simon Sharpe
    Chapter 5 Disruption of Calcium Homeostasis
    in Alzheimer’s Disease: Role of
    Channel Formation by β Amyloid Protein 115
    Masahiro Kawahara, Hironari Koyama,
    Susumu Ohkawara and Midori Negishi-Kato
    Chapter 6 Recent Developments in Molecular
    Changes Leading to Alzheimer’s
    Disease and Novel Therapeutic Approaches 135
    Vijaya B. Kumar
    Chapter 7 Clinical Profile of Alzheimer’s
    Disease Non-Responder Patient 155
    Alessandro Martorana, Roberta Semprini and Giacomo Koch
    Chapter 8 Construction of Drug Screening Cell
    Model and Application to New Compounds
    Interfering Production and Accumulation
    of Beta-Amyloid by Inhibiting Gamma-Secretase 169
    Xiao-Ning Wang, Jie Yang, Ping-Yue Xu,
    Jie Chen, Dan Zhang, Yan Sun and Zhi-Ming Huang
    Chapter 9 Therapeutics of Alzheimer’s Disease 193
    Marisol Herrera-Rivero and Gonzalo Emiliano Aranda-Abreu
    Chapter 10 Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration 213
    Johannes Schlachetzki
    Chapter 11 From Protein Tangles to Genetic Variants:
    The Central Role of Tau in Neurodegenerative Disease 237
    Heike Julia Wobst and Richard Wade-Martins
    Part 2 Parkinson's Disease 267
    Chapter 12 Gut Hormones Restrict
    Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s Disease 269
    Jacqueline Bayliss, Romana Stark,
    Alex Reichenbach and Zane B. Andrews
    Chapter 13 Grape Secondary Metabolites
    – Benefits for Human Health 285
    Teodora Dzhambazova, Violeta Kondakova,
    Ivan Tsvetkov and Rossitza Batchvarova
    Part 3 Prion Diseases 299
    Chapter 14 Computational Studies of the
    Structural Stability of Rabbit Prion Protein
    Compared to Human and Mouse Prion Proteins 301
    Jiapu Zhang
    Chapter 15 The Effects of Trimethylamine N-Oxide
    on the Structural Stability of Prion Protein 311
    Barbara Yang, Kuen-Hua You,
    Shing-Chuen Wang, Hau-Ren Chen and Cheng-I Lee
    Part 4 Motor Neuron Diseases 327
    Chapter 16 Modeling Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Mouse:
    A Disease of Splicing, Stability, and Timing 329
    Thomas W. Bebee and Dawn S. Chandler
    Contents VII
    Chapter 17 Wallerian Degeneration in Injury
    and Diseases: Concepts and Prevention 351
    Bruno S. Mietto, Rodrigo M. Costa, Silmara V. de Lima,
    Sérgio T. Ferreira and Ana M. B. Martinez
    Chapter 18 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy
    for Apoptosis After Spinal Cord Injury 365
    Venkata Ramesh Dasari, Krishna Kumar Veeravalli,
    Jasti S. Rao, Dan Fassett and Dzung H. Dinh
    Chapter 19 Modelling Multiple Sclerosis In Vitro
    and the Influence of Activated Macrophages 395
    E.J.F. Vereyken, C.D. Dijkstra and C.E. Teunissen
    Chapter 20 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 417
    David S. Shin, Ashley J. Pratt,
    Elizabeth D. Getzoff and J. Jefferson P. Perry

    The main focus in editing this book was to discuss different neurodegenerative
    diseases in depth. The book concentrates not only on pathological mechanisms, but
    also on the protective methods. Different chapters attempt to illustrate how different
    systems/organs, different foods an individual susceptibility affect the progression of
    Of all the different neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most
    common one and has consequentially received much attention. In this book a
    thorough elaboration is given on its etiology, mechanisms, clinical intervention, drug
    screening and protection. Dr Babusikova et al. give the definition of AD and its
    etiology. Dr Balin et al. then challenge the general concept of developing AD by
    providing evidence to show that AD may be developed following an infectious
    disease. Dr Sun and Dr Zhang give an overview of Aβ hypothesis and AD. Dr Walsh
    and Dr Sharpe discuss the structure-toxicity of Aβ oligomer. Dr Kawahara et al.
    discuss and provide evidence about calcium dysfunction in AD. Dr Kumar explains
    the molecular changes of different toxic molecules in AD. Dr Martorana et al. give an
    overview of the clinical profile of AD, while Dr Wang et al. describe the drug
    screening platform for a new drug. Dr Herrera-Rivero and Dr Aranda-Abreu discuss
    therapeutic interventions in AD. Apart from AD, Dr Schlachetzki gives an overview of
    Frontotemporal dementia. Dr Wobst and Dr Wade-Martins discuss different
    In the Parkinson’s disease (PD) section, Dr Bayliss et al. discuss about how PD is
    affected by hormonal control and how hormonal control can serve for therapeutic
    intervention. Dr Dzhambazova et al. further discuss how food and food supplements
    modulate the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.
    The third section discusses the problem of a devastating disease - prion disease. Dr
    Zhang uses the computational method to analyze the structure stability of the rabbit
    prion protein. Dr Yang et al. discuss the use of trimethyamine N-oxide on the stability
    of prion protein. By reading these two chapters, we may gain an insight of how to
    tackle the problem of prion proteins by modulating the stability of the protein.
    X Preface
    The last section of this book discusses the problems in different motor neurons
    diseases. Dr Bebee and Dr Chandler give an overview of SMA in a mouse model. Dr
    Mietto et al. discuss the pathological mechanisms of Wallerian degeneration as one
    process of neurodegeneration. Dr Dasari et al. explain how to use mesenchymal cells
    as stem cells in spinal cord injury. Dr Vereyken et al. describe pathological
    mechanisms of multiple sclerosis, while Dr Shin et al. give an overview of
    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
    To sum up, this book can give us a comprehensive overview of different
    neurodegenerative diseases. It is hoped that we can provide a wide scope of
    neurodegeneration in a book to illustrate its principles. I am very proud to have acted
    as the editor of this book.
    Raymond Chuen-Chung CHANG, PhD
    Assistant Professor and Laboratory Head
    Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases
    Department of Anatomy
    The University of Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Research Network
    Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging
    LKS Faculty of Medicine
    State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
    The University of Hong Kong
    Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR,
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