Luận Văn A web-based system for notifying environment violation

Thảo luận trong 'Ngoại Thương' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 1

    Introduction 1

    1.1. Introduction 1

    1.2. Our approach 2

    1.3. Thesis structure 2

    Chapter 2 3

    Web-based system: model, architecture 3

    2.1. Introduction 3

    2.2. Web-based system model 3

    2.2.1. Static web model 3

    2.2.2. Dynamic web model 4

    2.3. Dynamic web-based system architecture 6

    2.3.1. Three-tier architecture 7

    2.3.2. Client design: Thin client and rich client 10

    2.4. Web 2.0 and virtual community 11

    2.5. Summary 12

    Chapter 3: 13

    Web-based Geographic Information System 13

    3.1. Geographic Information System overview 13

    3.1.1. Definition 13

    3.1.2. Data representation in GIS system 13

    3.1.3. Other terms in GIS system 15

    3.2. Web-based Geographic Information System 15

    3.3. Microsoft Virtual Earth 17

    3.4. Summary 18

    Chapter 4: 19

    GreenPeace system 19

    4.1. Introduction 19

    4.2. Functional and non-functional requirements 19

    4.2.1. Functional requirements 19

    4.2.1. Non-functional requirements 20

    4.3. System architecture 20

    4.3.1. Presentation tier 21

    4.3.2. Business logic tier 22

    4.3.3. Data access tier 23

    4.4. Summary 23

    Chapter 5: 24

    GreenPeace implementation 24

    5.1. Introduction 24

    5.2. Virtual Earth map control 24

    5.2.1. Properties 24

    5.2.2. Methods 25

    5.2.3. Events 25

    5.3. Silverlight control 27

    5.3.1. Host control 28

    5.3.2. Popup control 29

    5.4. GeoRSS data collection 30

    5.5. Windows Communication Foundation web services 31

    5.6. RSS Feed with proxy 35

    5.7. Database access 37

    5.8. Summary 38

    Chapter 6: 39

    Demonstration 39

    6.1. System Requirements 39

    6.1.1. Client Side 39

    6.1.2. Server Side 39

    6.2. Use cases 39

    6.2.1. First look at GreenPeace 39

    6.2.2. Sign in 40

    6.2.3. Work with GreenPeace 40 Home menu 41 Features menu 42 Services menu 43

    6.2.4. Context menu 45

    6.3. Application evaluation 47

    6.3.1. Benefits of application 47

    6.3.2. Application scopes 47

    Chapter 7: 48

    Conclusion 48

    References 49

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