Luận Văn A study on translation of expression used in some vietnamese dishes into english

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp

    1. Rationale.
    2. Scope of the study.
    3. Aims of the study.
    4. Research methods applied in the study.
    5. Design of the study.
    Chapter one: Theoretical background of translation.
    1. Concepts of translation
    2. Types of translation
    2.1. Literal translation
    2.2. Word-for-word translation
    2.3. Literal translation
    2.4. Faithful translation
    2.5. Semantic translation
    2.6. Adaptation translation
    2.7. Idiomatic translation
    2.8. Communicative translation
    2.9. Other translations
    3. Equivalence in translation
    3.1. Definition of equivalence
    3.2. Types of equivalence
    3.2.1. According to Koller (1979).
    Denotative equivalence
    Connotative equivalence
    Pragmatic equivalence
    Formal equivalence
    3.2.2. According to Baker.
    Grammatical equivalence
    Textual equivalence
    Pragmatic equivalence
    4. ESP in translation
    4.1. Concepts of ESP
    4.2. Types of ESP
    English for Science and Technology (EST)
    English for Business and Economics (EBE)
    English for Social Studies (ESS)
    5. Procedure of translation
    5.1. Borrowing
    5.2. Calque
    5.3. Literal translation
    5.4. Transposition
    5.5. Modulation
    5.6. Total syntagmatic changeAdaptation
    Chapter two: Translation of some popular Vietnamese dishes into
    1. General introduction of popular Vietnamese dishes
    2. How to translate them into English.
    2.1. Bánh bèo
    2.2. Bánh chay
    2.3. Bánh chưng
    2.4. Bánh cốm
    2.5. Bánh cuốn
    2.6. Bánh đa
    2.7. Bánh đúc
    2.8. Bánh giầy
    2.9. Bánh giò
    2.10. Bánh khoái
    2.11. Bánh rán
    2.12. Bánh phu thê
    2.13. Bánh trôi
    2.14. Bì cuốn
    2.15. Bún bò
    2.16. Bún chả
    2.17. Cà pháo muối
    2.18. Cá kho
    2.19. Canh cua
    2.20. Chả cá
    2.21. Chả giò
    2.22. Cháo lòng
    2.23. Chạo tôm
    2.24. Gỏi
    2.25. Giả cầy
    2.26. Muối vừng
    2.27. Nem chua
    2.28. Nước mắm
    2.29. Phở
    2.30. Thịt chó
    2.31. Thịt đông
    2.32. Tiết canh
    2.33. Tương
    2.34. Ruốc bông
    2.35. Xôi
    Chapter three: Implication
    1. Implications
    2. Suggestions for the further study.

    1. Rationale of the study.
    Vietnamese cuisine is a style of cooking associated with fish sauce,
    soy sauce, rice, fresh herbs and vegetables. Traditional recipes of
    Vietnamese people use various herbs such as lemongrass, mint, basil,
    coriander, and popular meats are pork, chicken, and fish. Thus, food
    Vietnam is increasingly preferred by the fresh ingredients and
    delicious recipes for health benefits.
    A foreign expert on cuisine said Vietnam should become a kitchen of
    the world. This shows that Vietnamese food is highly appreciated in
    the eyes of international friends. Unlike other Chinese dishes with
    recipes with the oil, that of British with butter and sugar, Vietnamese
    food is admired by the more frugal, less fat and rich nutrition food,
    especially the popular food.
    The popular dishes of Vietnamese are formed from very ancient times,
    even in their difficult life. Therefore the dishes are made simple, easy
    but very delicate and Vietnamese national nature. Vietnam is a tropical
    country, year-round hot and humid rainy weather changing over the
    four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. So, the dishes are
    different along with per season. This difference creates diversity of
    Vietnamese cuisine.
    Therefore, the translated name of the dishes is very necessary and
    important. It not only promotes the brand of Vietnamese dishes but
    that also helps friends in the world to understand more about
    Vietnamese culture, people and country.
    However, the translation of the name of popular Vietnamese dishes
    into English is not simple. It requires people to really study hard and
    have certain knowledge in this field.
    2. Aims of the study.
    The study is constructed basing on the following aims:
    Collecting, classifying and analyzing the found documents in order to
    find out the way in translating name of popular Vietnamese dishes into
    Providing knowledge with dear arrangement and attractive illustration.
    3. Scope of the study.
    The translation of popular Vietnamese dishes into English is an
    interesting issue in. Surprisingly, no many documents refer to it, so it
    is not easy for the writer to collect relevant materials for the thesis.
    Moreover, due to the limitation of time and knowledge, the study
    could not cover all the dishes but some most familiar ones in several
    textbooks, magazines and on internet.
    4. Research methods applied in the study.
    Normally, there are many methods used for the thesis studying such as
    quantitative, qualitative, data and comparative analysis and interpreter
    method. However, the most effective and suitable method for the
    thesis is qualitative analysis.
    Firstly, data are collected from various sources, such as textbooks,
    magazines, internet even from the writer‟s teachers and friends.
    Then, from the collected data the writer analyze their features to find
    the suitable procedures used to translate them.
    The writer also asks the supervisor to collect and supplement the
    lacunas in the graduation paper.
    5. Design of the study.
    The thesis is divided into three parts, in which the second one is the
    most important.
    Part one is the introduction in which rationale, aims, scope, methods
    and design are presented.
    Part two is the development that includes three parts:
    Chapter one is the theoretical background which focuses on the
    definitions, methods, procedures and equivalence of translation in
    general and ESP translation.
    Chapter two is the presentation of some popular Vietnamese dishes into
    English after collecting and analyzing.
    Chapter three is the implication that the writer gained through the
    process of studying on translation strategies to seek for English
    equivalence for the Vietnamese dishes, and some suggestions for the
    further study.
    Part three is conclusion which includes the summary of the study,
    experiences acquired
    Chapter I: Theoretical background
    1. Concepts of translation
    There are so many concepts of translation, which are developed by many
    famous linguistics of translation.
    Firstly, the writer would like to refer to definition of translation in
    Advanced Oxford Dictionary which presented that Translation is the
    process of changing something that is written or spoken into another
    More specifically, Wikipedia defined that translation is the interpreting
    of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent
    text, likewise called a "translation," that communicates the same
    message in another language. The text to be translated is called the
    "source text," and the language that it is to be translated into is called
    the "target language"; the final product is sometimes called the "target
    In a similar but more succinct way, David Frank (
    showed that translation is a text with qualities of equivalence to a prior
    text in another language, such that the new text is taken as a substitute
    for the original.
    However, according to Catford (1965), translation is the replacement of
    textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual
    material in another language (target language).
    Relating to equivalence of translation, Pinhhuck (1977) proved that
    translation is the process of finding a target language (TL) equivalent
    from a source language (SL) utterance.
    Translation is a craft consisting in

    A. English
    1. Andrew Chesterman, 1989. Readings in Transaltion Theory. Loimaan
    Kirjaino Oy.
    2. Christian Nord, 1991. Text analysis in translation. AmsterdamAtlanta.
    3. Douglas Robinson, 1997. Becoming a translator. Routledge 11 New
    Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4 EE.
    4. Geoffrey Samuelsson-Brown, 2004. A practical guide for translators
    (fourth edition). Multilingual master Ltd.
    5. Susan Bassnett, 1980. Translation studies. London and New York.
    B. Vietnamese
    1. Nguyễn Như Ý, 1998. Từ điển tiếng Việt thông dụng. Nhà xuất bản
    Giáo dục.
    2. TS. Chu Bích Thu; PGS. TS Nguyễn Ngọc Trâm; TS. Nguyễn Thị
    Thanh Nga; TS. NGuyễn Thúy Khanh; TS. Phạm Hùng Việt, 2002.
    Từ điển tiêng Việt phổ thông. Nhà xuất bản Tp Hồ Chí Minh.
    3. Đặng Chấn Liêu; Lê Khả Kế; Phạm Duy Trọng, 2002. Từ điển ViệtAnh. Nhà xuất bản Tp Hồ Chí Minh.
    4. Vietnam discovery. Thanh nien publisher.
    C. Internet
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