Luận Văn A study on translation of economic and trade terminology from English into Vietnamese

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2012
    Đề tài: A study on translation of economic and trade terminology from English into Vietnamese

    I. Rationale of the study . . 1
    II. Aims of the study .2
    III. Scope of the study . 3
    IV. Methods of the study 4
    V. Design of the study 4
    I. Definition of translation . . 6
    II. Translation methods . . . 8
    II. 1. Word- for - Word Translation . 8
    II. 2. Literal Translation . 9
    II. 3. Faithful Translation . 9
    II. 4. Semantic Translation . 10
    II. 5. Adaptation . 10
    II. 6. Free Translation 11
    II. 7. Idiomatic Translation .11
    II. 8. Communicative translation 11
    III. Translation Equivalence . 12
    III. 1. Definition of translation equivalence . .12
    III. 2. Types of equivalence . .13
    IV. English for Specific purposes in translation (ESP) . .15
    IV. 1. Definition of ESP . .15
    IV. 2. Types of ESP . . 16
    V. Terminology and its main characteristics 18
    V. 1. Definition of terminology . . 18
    V. 2. Main characteristics of terminology 18
    V. 2.1. Accurateness .19
    V. 2.2. Systematism . .19
    V. 2.3. Internationalism .20
    V. 2.4. Nationalism . 21
    V. 2.5. Popularity . .21
    V. 3. The distinction between terms and word . 22
    I. Definition of Economics and Trade . 23
    II. Language in economic and trade sector . . 23
    III. The role of terminology in Economic and Trade Translation 24
    IV. Classification of Economic and Trade terminology . 24
    IV. 1. Single terminology .24
    IV. 1.1. Single terminology in form of Noun . .25
    IV. 1.2. Single terminology in form of Verb . 26
    IV. 2. Neologism 27
    IV. 2.1. Eponyms . 27
    IV. 2.2. Acronyms . .28
    IV. 3. Compound terminology . 29
    IV. 3.1 Terminologies consisting of classifier (noun) + thing . 29
    IV. 3.2. Terminologies consisting of classifier (adjective) + thing .30
    IV. 3.3. Terminologies consisting of Classifier ( Present participle )
    +thing . .30
    IV. 3.4. Terminologies consisting of Classifier ( Past participle )
    +thing . 31
    IV.3.5. Terminologies consisting of Classifier (Noun + Present participle) +thing
    . 31
    IV. 3.6. Terminologies consisting of thing + Qualifier . . 32
    IV. 4. Phrase . 32
    IV. 5. Positive terminology . .33
    IV. 6. Negative terminology .34
    I. Popular strategies and procedure applied in non-equivalence 35
    I. 1. Translation by paraphrase using unrelated word . .35
    I. 2.Translation by paraphrase using related word 38
    I.3. Translation by addition . 40
    I.4. Translation by using loan word . .42
    I.5. Translation by omission 44
    II. Procedures applied in the Equivalence translation . 45
    II. 1. Literal translation 45
    I. 2. Shift or transposition translation . 47
    III: Main Findings . .49
    I. Strength and weakness of thesis . 52
    II. Suggestion for the further research and final comments 52
    REFERENCE . 54

    I. Rationale of the study
    Nowadays, with the development of our society as well as other
    countries in the world, economic and trade sector has become one
    indispensables field in the economy in general, development of the countries in
    particular, including our Vietnam. Thanks to the open-door policy and the
    renovation process, Vietnam is currently a developing country with many
    wonderful changes and processes in various fields such as economy, politics,
    culture and society, science and technology. The Party, Government and all
    Vietnamese are constantly trying the best to make Vietnam rub shoulders with
    powerful countries in five continents.
    Vietnam is on the way of international economic integration. In detail,
    many enterprises, companies, factories have been established. In addition, there
    have appeared here many representative offices of foreign companies. We have
    established the economic and trade relations with a lot of countries. Successful
    economic and trade cooperation requires many factors, of which mutual
    understanding is the most importance. Therefore, the translation of economic
    and trade documents plays an important role and is of the greatest concern.
    However, the translation from English into Vietnamese or vice versa is a big
    challenge, because of the differences between English and Vietnamese languages
    and culture. Especially, in economic and trade field, the translation of its
    documents in general and terminology in particular is not a simple task because of
    their fully specific terminology.
    Moreover, economic and trade cooperation among different countries in
    the world is increasing, to become a good translator is not only the interest of
    many people but mine. However, I often meet many difficulties as well as
    challenges in translation process because of the linguistic differences b etween
    the two language systems and the most noticeable difficulty is the problem of
    how to deal with non-equivalence and equivalence economic and trade
    Therefore, with the hope of helping translators, as well as myself
    particularly, students who have just graduated begin to step out the university
    environment and have orientation to become future translators in economic and
    trade field, I implement this study to study on the translation of economic and
    trade terminology from English into Vietnamese. Hopefully, it can help
    translators enhance their translation skills after reading.
    II. Aims of the study
    The study on the translation of basic economic and trade terminology
    aims to figure out an overview on translation strategies and procedures which
    are commonly employed in translation of economic and trade terminology.
    In detail, my Graduation Paper is aimed at:
     Reviewing the theoretical issues relating to translation, translation
    methods, translation equivalence and terminology , its definition and main
     Collecting and presenting basic English terminology in economic and
    trade sector.
     Providing their Vietnamese equivalences or expressions.
     Finding out the translation strategies and procedures applied in the
    translation of economic and trade terminology from English into Vietnamese.
     Providing students major in the subject, translators and those who may
    concern a draft and short reference of basis English terminology in economics
    and trade and their corresponding Vietnamese meanings.
    Hopefully, the study will provide readers overall comprehension about the
    information of economic and trade terminology, especially for future translators
    who are willing to become good translators in economic and trade field.
    III. Scope of the study
    Terminology is various in different fields such as commerce and business,
    market, economic laws, insurance, investment, shares and securities, etc
    However, it is impossible for me to carry out study on them, due to limitation of
    time and my knowledge. In my study and work process, recognizing that
    economic and trade terminology plays an important role in Business
    Management and Foreign Trade field, especially in the renovation period of our
    country. Therefore, the major aspects of the investigation are translation and
    popular translation strategies being applied in economic and trade terminology
    from English into Vietnamese.
    IV. Methods of the study
    As this study is carried out for the sake of translation of economic and
    trade terminologies from English into Vietnamese, the quantitative method is
    applied. I have implemented this study with the support source s from economic
    and trade books and dictionaries, internet and other references.
    Then, from the collected data I will analyze their features to find the
    suitable procedures which are used to translate from English into Vietnamese.
    V. Design of the study
    This study includes three main parts:
    The first Part is an Introduction, consist of consist of rationale of the
    study, aims of the study, scope of the study, methods of the study and design of
    the study.
    The second Part is the main part which title Development, being divided
    into three chapters:
     The first chapter is the theoretical background with definitions of
    translation, translation methods, translation Equivalence, main knowledge on
    English for Special Purposes (ESP) in translation and terminology along with
    the distinction between terms and word.
     The second chapter is the chapter which I focus on Economic and Trade
    terminology including definition of economics and trade, language in economic
    and trade sector, the role of terminology in Economic and trade translation,
    together with classification of Economic and Trade terminology.
     The third chapter is implication of the study which tittles “popular
    strategies and procedures applied in translation of economic and trade
    terminology from english into vietnamese”, basic methods applied in non-
    equivalence and equivalence translation. Then, I denote main findings which I
    gained during the time of carrying out this study.
    The third Part is the Conclusion including strength, weakness of my
    graduation paper and suggestion for further study.
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