Luận Văn A study on Techniques to improve the 1st year English majors' speaking skill at HPU

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2013
    Đề tài: A study on Techniques to improve the 1st year English majors' speaking skill at HPU

    1. Rationale 1
    2. Aims of the study 2
    3. Scopes of the study 2
    4. Methods of the study: 2
    5. Designs of the study 3
    Chapter I: Literature review 4
    1. Definition of Speaking: . 4
    2. The significance of speaking . 5
    3. The problems in teaching and learning English speaking 6
    4. Approaches to the teaching of speaking . 7
    4.1 The Grammar- translation Method . 7
    4.2The Direct Method and Audiolingualism . 7
    4.3 Communicative Language Teaching Method . 8
    5. The role of the teacher in different stages of teaching speaking 8
    5.1 The role of the teacher at the presentation stage 9
    5.2 The role of the teacher at the practice stage . 9
    5.3 The role of the teacher at the production stage 9
    6. Main factors affecting students‟ English speaking . 10
    6.1 Psychological factor 10
    6.1.1 Fear of Mistake 10
    6.1.2 Shyness . 10
    6.1.3 Anxiety 10
    6.1.4 Lack of Confidence . 11
    6.1.5 Lack of Motivation . 11
    6.2Vocabulary . 11
    6.3Pronunciation . 12
    6.4 Accent 12
    6.5 Listening Comprehension 12
    6.6 Organization of Ideas 12
    6.7 The Cultural factor 12
    6.8 The Rooted Habit of "Inert" 13
    6.9 The Lack of Target Language Learning Environment 13
    Chapter II: The study on learning and teaching English
    speaking skill 14
    1.The reality of learning and teaching English speaking skill at Hai Phong
    Private University 14
    1.1. The teaching staff: 14
    1.2 The researcher 14
    1.3 The students . 14
    1.4 The textbook 15
    1.5 English teaching and learning condition at Hai Phong Private University. 15
    2. The survey questionnaires . 16
    2.1 The design of the survey questionnaires . 16
    2.2 The data analysis . 17
    2.2.1 The result from the students’ English learning time 17
    2.2 The result from students’ attitude toward learning English speaking 18
    2.2.3 The result from students’ perceived importance of English speaking . 19
    2.2.4 The result from students’ frequency of speaking English in class time . 19
    2.2.5 The result from students’ impression on the English lessons 20
    2.2.6 The result from activities used by teachers and students’ preferences 21
    2.2.7 The result from students’ opinions on the current teaching method . 23
    2.2.8The result from students’ expectations on the extra techniques . 23
    3.Findings and discussions of findings . 24
    4. Recommendations for improving students‟ learning English speaking in
    class . 25
    4.1.Understanding students’ expectations 25
    4.2.Varying speaking activities . 26
    4.3.Managing speaking turns in class . 27
    4.4.Setting up a co-operative atmosphere in class . 28
    4.5.Combining the textbook and relevant materials the Internet . 28
    4.6.Recognizing the potential value of available facilities of the school and 28
    4.7.Being enthusiastic, tolerant, helpful, creative and active . 29
    Chapter III: Some suggested techniques in teaching
    English speaking skill for the first year English
    majors at HPU 30
    1. Repeat and Re- phrase . 30
    2. Music and songs 31
    3. Visual aides, realia, maps, pictures, multimedia: 33
    4.Cooperative Groups, Peer Coaching: . 34
    5.Simulation: . 35
    6. Role Play . 36
    7.Change the way of correcting students 37
    8. Re-arrange tables and decorate classroom 38
    9. Audio- recorder . 39
    10. Using Recorder as a diary . 40
    11. TV and Video 40
    12.Games . 40
    12.1. Game1: Describing jobs 41
    12.2.Game 2: Who is the treasure keeper? . 42
    1.2.3. Game 3: Communication Games 43
    12. 4. Game 4: Spelling Games . 43
    12.5. Game 5: Classroom Game . 44
    12.6. Game 6: Bingo . 44
    12.7. Game 7: Pictionary 45
    12.8. Game 8: Charades . 45
    12.9. Game 9: Crossword Puzzles 45
    12.10. Game 10: Social Situations . 45
    1.Conclusion 46
    2. Limitations and suggestions for further study 46
    APPENDIX 1.2 : QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS (Vietnamese Version) 51

    The current study begins with this introductory part, which describes the
    rationale to the study and presents the aims of the study. It also discusses the
    scope of the study, the method of the study and provides the design of the
    1. Rationale
    Nowadays, with the development of the international relationship among
    countries, learning English, especially learning English speaking is playing a
    more and more important role in the world. People use English for
    communication and discussion for the world forum and in different aspects of
    life. In Vietnam, English speaking is also very essential for work place. Thus,
    learning English speaking has become more important than ever.
    However, there are still some problems today about the teaching and learning
    English speaking, particularly at Hai Phong Private University (HPU), there is
    a fact that the English Majors at HPU, especially the first year English majors
    at HPU have a poor English speaking skill. They spend a lot of time on
    learning grammar, writing, reading and seem to ignore speaking. The majority
    of the first year English majors are really passive in their speaking.
    Furthermore, they feel reluctant to get involved in the speaking activities in
    the lessons. Therefore, their English speaking skill is often low and very few
    of them can communicate in English fluently.
    Obviously, it is high time teachers chose the appropriate teaching methods to
    solve the problem. This study will explore the reality of teaching and learning
    English speaking of the first year English majors at HPU and suggest some
    main techniques which include the methods of strengthening the teaching of
    English speaking to help students enhance their English speaking skill . Only
    in this way, students who are learning English speaking can learn it well so
    that they can communicate in English fluently.
    In order to help the students at HPU, especially the first year English majors
    at HPU improve their English speaking skill, the author of the study carries
    on this study with the title: “A study on techniques to improve the first year
    English majors‟ speaking skill at HPU”. The study is expected to help the
    students of Foreign Languages Department at HPU, especially the first year
    English majors at HPU improve their English speaking in order to get a
    brighter future.
    2. Aims of the study
    The aim of this study is finding out appropriate techniques for students to
    improve their speaking skill in which the study focuses on finding the reality
    of the first year English majors‟ learning English speaking and giving them
    the suggestions for better communication. The author wants to change the
    students‟ attitude on speaking English and let them find English speaking
    more interesting. The expectation is that the first year English majors at HPU
    can consider speaking English as their favorite activity.
    3. Scopes of the study
    The present study focuses on improving the first year English majors‟
    speaking skill at HPU. In fact, there are lots of various techniques to study
    English communication. It requires much of time and effort. However, due to
    the limitation of time, resources and knowledge of mine as well as some other
    conditions, this study was carried out to find out the reality of teaching
    English speaking for the first year English majors and the effectiveness of
    HPU teaching method as well as offering some techniques to help the English
    majors at HPU enhance their speaking skill. Thus, the result of study is
    limited only to those students participating in this study and these findings
    may impact the generalization to the larger population of all students and they
    can also be the references for anyone who wants to practice English speaking.
    4. Methods of the study:
    To complete this study, a variety of methods have been employed:
    - Concemed materials including reference books on teaching methodology
    have been carefully studied and analyzed.
    - A survey questionnaire was conducted to the first year English majors at
    HPU to gather information and evidence for the study.
    - In addition, to make the data collected more reliable and authentic,
    qualitative method was applied with two instruments: an informal interview
    and observation.
    All the comments, remarks, recommendations and conclusion provided in the
    study were based on the data analysis of the study.
    5. Designs of the study
    This study consists of three parts:
    Part I, Introduction, includes the rationale to the study. It also includes the
    aims of the study, the research questions, the scope of the study. Next the
    design of the study is also presented.
    Part II, The study consists of three chapters:
    Chapter 1, Literature review, presents a review of related literature that
    provides the definition of speaking and the problems in teaching and learning
    speaking, approaches to the teaching of speaking, the roles of the teacher in
    different stages of teaching speaking and the main factors affecting students‟
    English speaking.
    Chapter 2, The study on learning and teaching English speaking skill ,
    focuses on English learning and teaching environment at HPU, the survey in
    which the objectives of the survey, the subjects, and the methods of the study
    are studied. Chapter 2 also studies on the findings and data analysis , the
    findings and discussion of findings as well as the recommending for
    improving students‟ learning English speaking in class .
    Chapter 3, Some suggested techniques in teaching English speaking skill
    for the first year English majors at HPU.
    Part III, Conclusions in teaching speaking English through techniques are
    made; some limitations and suggestions for further research are stated. The
    last are references, the appendixes that include all the documents relating to
    the study.

    1.Baldwin, Caroline, (2011). How to Overcome Shyness During an Oral
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    2.Bums, A & Joyce, H. (1997). Focus on speaking. Sydney: National Center
    for English Language Research
    3. Byrne, D. (1986). Teaching Oral English. Longman.
    4. Gebhard, G.J. (2000). Teaching English as a Foreign or Second
    Language. USA: The University of Michigan Press.
    5. Horwitz, Elaine. K., & Horwitz, Michael. B. (1986). Foreign Language
    Classroom Anxiety. Joann Cope Source: The Modern Language Journal, Vol.
    70, No. 2 (Summer, 1986), pp. 125-130
    6. Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Teaching & Learning. USA:
    Heinle&Heinle Publisher.
    7. Nunan, Cavid (2001). Language Teaching Methodology. Textbook for
    teachers. Syney: National Center for English Language Teaching and
    8. Nunan, D. (1992). Research method in language learning. Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press.
    9. Richard, J.C., & Lockhart, C. (1994). Reflective Teaching in Second
    Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    10. Robby, S, (2010). Conquer Your Fear of Making Mistakes when
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    11. Seliger, H.W., & Shohamy, E. (1995). Second language research
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    12. Zaremba, A. J. (2006). Speaking professionally. Canada: Thompson
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