Luận Văn A study on prepositions of direction and some errors made by Vietnamese learners

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

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    Đề tài: A study on prepositions of direction and some errors made by Vietnamese learners

    1. Rationale of the study
    2. Aim of the study
    3. Scope of the study
    4. Methods of the study
    5. Organization of the study
    Chapter I : Theoretical background
    1. Preliminary theory of preposition
    1.1. What are prepositions?
    1.2. Functions of preposition
    1.2.1. Show the relation of a noun to a noun, a noun to a verb
    1.2.2. Show the relation of a whole clause to a verb or an
    adjective, to a noun.
    2. Classification of preposition
    2.1. According to structural grammar
    2.1.1. Simple Prepositions
    2.1.2. Compound Prepositions
    2.1.3. Participial
    2.1.4. Phrase Prepositions
    2.2. According to function
    2.2.1. Prepositions of Place
    2.2.2. Prepositions of Direction
    2.2.3. Prepositions of Time
    2.2.4. Prepositions of Manner
    2.2.5. Prepositions of Relation
    2.2.6. Prepositions of Purpose
    2.2.7. Prepositions of Cause
    Chapter II: Prepositions of direction
    1. Prepositions of direction.
    1.1. What are prepositions of directions
    1.2. List and meanings
    2. Analysis of some examples of preposition of direction
    2.1. The first example
    2.2. The second example.
    2.3. The third example
    2.4. The forth example
    2.5. The fifth example
    3. Some typical cases of preposition of direction
    3.1. Use of “to”
    3.1.1. The preposition to is used as an ordinary preposition
    with verbs of communication
    3.1.2. The preposition to is used as an ordinary preposition with
    verbs of movement
    3.2. Uses of “into”
    3.2.1. With verbs expressing motion, into and in are may be
    used interchangeably
    3.2.2. Using in or into with the verb move
    3.3. Use of “onto”
    3.3.1. "Onto" can generally be replaced by "on" with verbs of
    3.3.2. Some verbs of motion express the idea that the subject
    causes itself or some physical object to be situated in a certain place.
    Chapter III : Some errors made by Vietnamese learners, findings
    and implication
    1. Some errors made by Vietnamese learners
    2. Findings and implication

    PART I
    1. Rationale of the study
    My enthusiasm of English has been along with me since I was at
    primary school. I remember that when I was in 2
    form, my mother elder
    sister taught me the first lessons of English. It was her who set the passion for
    studying English for me. After graduating from my high school, therefore, I
    decided to study English in the Foreign Language Department of Hai Phong
    Private University. During four years studying of English here, all subjects of
    English have made me interested such as lexicology, phonetics and
    translation. In all of them, grammar is the subject which occupies my interest
    the most. Objectively speaking, subject grammar is difficult but very
    Preposition is one of interesting parts in English grammar. They show
    us relationships between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence.
    However, almost learners of English find prepositions difficult. There are
    hardly any rules which explain in detail the uses of each preposition.
    Prepositions of direction are one kind of prepositions. They indicate
    direction or movement toward something. It is difficult for us to use it
    correctly use. Therefore, Vietnamese learners can’t avoid making mistakes
    when using them.
    Prepositions of direction and some errors made when using them
    attracts my attention the most. Hence, the name of subject of my graduation
    paper is “A study on prepositions of direction and some errors made by
    Vietnamese learners”.
    2. Aims of the study
    This study is trying to answer the following:
    Get the overview of preposition in general.
    Point out the usage of common preposition of direction .
    This study also indicates some Vietnamese learners’ errors made in
    using prepositions of direction and some suggested solutions.
    3. Scope of the study
    Prepositions are a difficult part. Therefore, studying on prepositions is
    not easy. Due to the limitation of time and knowledge, I have no ambition of
    covering all kinds of preposition and research errors made by learners of all
    countries in the word, but only prepositions of direction and some errors made
    by Vietnamese learners.
    4. Methods of the study
    As I said in the scope of the study, its subject is quite interesting but
    difficult so this study is written basing on many different sources.
    In my study, I have collected information and images relating to the
    subject of my paper from internet. In addition, reference books and
    documents which contained knowledge of preposition are also valuable
    sources that I searched for my topic.
    After collecting enough information, I used interpretative methods to
    synthesize the basic theories for the topic from many linguists. Then I carried
    out the survey questionnaire among students in my university to get useful
    and real data for the implication of my study.
    Besides, discussing with my supervisor helps me to write this study
    well. She has given helpful ideals and comments so that this study becomes
    better and better.
    5. Organization of the study
    With a clear organization in which there are three main parts designed,
    I hope that readers can easily read.
    Part one is the introduction, including rationale, aim, scope, methods,
    organization of the study.
    Part two is the development, including three chapters
    Chapter I is the theoretical background, which consists of preliminary theory
    of preposition, classification of preposition.
    Chapter II is prepositions of direction, which consist of what are prepositions
    of direction, analysis some examples of preposition of direction, some typical
    cases of preposition of direction.
    Chapter III is some errors made by Vietnamese learners, findings and
    Part three is the conclusion
    1. Preliminary theory of Preposition
    1.1 What are prepositions?
    Prepositions are words that show the relationship between the noun
    which follows it and other words in the sentence. These relationships include:
    place or position, direction, time, manner, and agent. Prepositions may be one
    word or a prepositional phrase (such as “in front of”). They’re always
    followed by a noun which is the “object” of the preposition. A preposition and
    its object make up a prepositional phrase which typi cally functions as an
    The words at, in, of, on and to are examples of prepositions. A word
    such as a noun, pronoun or gerund following a preposition is said to be the
    object of the preposition. As pointed out previously, a personal pronoun
    following a preposition must be in the objective case.
    A phrase beginning with a preposition can be referred to as a
    prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrases in the following examples
    are underlined.
    e.g. He owns the house on the corner.
    We are waiting for her.
    She has read many books about flying.
    In the first example, the noun corner is the object of the preposition on.
    In the second example, the personal pronoun her is the object of the
    preposition for. It can be seen that the personal pronoun her is in the
    objective case. In the third example, the gerund flying is the object of the
    preposition about.
    A preposition serves to connect its object with the rest of a sentence. In
    doing so, a preposition indicates the relationship of the idea expressed in the
    prepositional phrase to the ideas expressed In the rest of the sentence.
    For instance in the sentence He owns the house on the corner, the
    preposition on indicates that the words the corner express the location of the
    house referred to in the rest of the sentence. Similarly, in the sentence We are
    waiting for her, the preposition for indicates that the word her expresses the
    reason for the action of waiting referred to in the rest of the sentence.
    Although there are fewer than one hundred English prepositions, although
    prepositions do not take endings, and although the structure of most
    prepositional phrases is simple, the use of English prepositions is very
    complex. The reasons for this are that most prepositions have more than one
    meaning, many prepositions can also be used as adverbs, prepositions are
    used in hundreds of idioms, many adjectives, nouns, and verbs must usually

    1. John Eastwood. New Edition now with tests, Oxford Practice Grammar
    with answers. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001
    2. TOEFL Grammar Review, 1997
    3. Mark Fletcher and Richard Munns. Timesaver Visual Grammar
    (Elementary-Intermediate): Mary Glasgow Mangazines.
    4. Anthony Hughes (1997), The online English Grammar
    5. Jean Yates (1988). The ins and outs of preposition
    6. Nguyen Van Truong and Dinh Kim Quoc Bao. English - English –
    Vietnamese Dictionary, Information Culture Publisher, 2003
    1. http:// www.
    2. http:// www.
    3. http:// www.
    4. http://
    5. http://
    6. http://
    7. http:// www.
    8. http:// www.
    9. http://
    10. http://
    11. http:// /Prepositions_of_Direction.pdf
    12. http:// › Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
    13. http:// ./definition_and_list_of_prepositions
    14. http://
    15. http:// www. ./4728_prepositions_of_direction_and
    17. ./prep_of_directions_to_into_on_to_pdf.pdf
    19.;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQMAAAAl21bKAAAAA1BMVEXh5PJm+yKVAAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAApJREFUCNdjYAAAAAIAAeIhvDMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue :p">repositions
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