Luận Văn A study on nominal and denominal elements as pre - modifiers in complex noun phrases

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp
    Đề tài: A study on nominal and denominal elements as pre - modifiers in complex noun phrases

    Table of contents
    Part I: introduction 1
    1. Rationale of the study 1

    2. Aims of the study . 2
    3. Scope of the study 2
    4. Methods of the study 3
    5. Design of the study 3
    Part II: development . 4
    Chapter One: Theoretical background . 4
    I: Noun phrases 4
    I.1. Definition of noun phrases . 4
    I.2. Complex noun phrases 4
    I.2.1. Head noun 4
    I.2.2. Pre-modification 5
    I.2.3. Post-modification . 8
    II: Nominal elements 13
    II.1. Definition of nominal elements 13
    II.2. Semantic features of nominal elements 13
    II.2.1. Reduced-explicitness relation 13
    II.2.2. Relative impermanence . 14
    II.2.3. Relative permanence 14
    II.3. Syntactic functions of nominal elements – nominals as pre-modifiers in
    complex noun phrases 14
    III. Denominal elements . 15
    III.1. Definition of denominal elements . 15
    III.2. Semantic features of denominal elements . 15
    III.2.1. Stative . 16
    III.2.2. Non-gradable 16
    III.2.3. Non-inherent . 16
    III.3. Syntactic functions of denominal elements – denominal elements
    as pre-modifiers in complex noun phrases . 16
    Chapter Two: Analysis for nominal and
    denominal elements as pre-modifiers in complex
    noun phrases . 18
    I. Nominal element as pre-modifiers in complex noun phrases . 18
    I.1. Types of noun used as pre-modifier in complex noun phrases . 18
    I.1.1. Proper nouns . 20
    I.1.1.1. Personal proper nouns 21
    I.1.1.2. Geographical nouns 22
    I.1.1.3. Institutional nouns . 23
    I.1.1.4. Temporal/ calendar nouns 23
    I.1.2. Common nouns . 24
    I.1.2.1. Concrete nouns 24 In-animate concrete nouns . 25
    I. Non-personal concrete nouns 26
    I. Personal concrete nouns 27
    I.1.2.2. Abstract nouns 27
    I.1.3. Collective nouns 28
    I.1.3.1. Personal collective nouns 29
    I.1.3.2. Non-personal collective nouns 30
    I.1.3.3. In-animate collective nouns . 30
    I.1.4. Compound nouns 30
    I.2. Meaning differences between pre-modification and post -
    modification of complex noun phrases . 34
    I.2.1. Partitive meaning of post-modifier . 34
    I.2.2. Restrictive meaning of post-modifier . 35
    I.2.3. Unique meaning of pre-modifier 36
    II: Denominal elements as pre-modifier in noun phrases 36
    II.1. Types of derivational noun used as pre-modifiers in complex
    noun phrases . 36
    II.1.1. Noun derivation . 36
    II.1.2. Abstract nouns . 37
    II.1.3. In-animate concrete nouns . 38
    II.1.4. Personal concrete nouns 39
    II.1.5. Geographical proper nouns . 39
    II.2. Analysis for denominal elements as pre-modifiers in complex
    noun phrases . 40
    Chapter Three: Common mistakes in using
    nominals and denominals as pre-modifiers in
    complex noun phras 42
    I. Common mistakes made by Vietnamese learners in using
    nominals and denominals as pre-modifiers in complex noun
    phrases . 42
    I.1. Word order . 42
    I.1.1. Wrong of word structure . 44
    I.1.2. Meaning changes . 44
    I.2. Plural form . 44
    I.3. Misinterpretation of meaning . 45
    II. Some suggestions to overcome the difficulties 47
    II.1. Word order 47
    II.2. Plural form 48
    II.3. Misinterpretation of meaning . 49
    Part III. Conclusion 50
    In the completing of the graduation paper, I received so much help and advice
    from many people that my indebtedness to them is beyond works.
    First of all, I would like to give my sincere thanks to Mrs Mai Thuý Ph-¬ngMA, the teacher of Foreign Language Department of Haiphong University, who
    has provided me with the invaluable suggestions, straight and opportune
    comments, which are helpful for the accomplishment of the research.
    In addition, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Mrs
    TrÇn ThÞ Ngäc Liªn, M.A- the Dean of the Foreign Language Department of
    Haipong Private University for her tireless and helpful support in the preparation
    as well as the correction, for her warmth, understanding and time, the lack of
    which would render this paper impossible.
    I am also grateful to all my teachers at the Department for their enormous help
    and various lectures on the main points relating areas during the time I studied
    at the university and the time I carried out this graduation paper.
    Finally, I would like to send my thanks to my family and friends for their direct
    help and encouragement and support in the process of completing the paper.
    Part I: Introduction
    1. Rationale of the research
    Nowadays, English become an international language that is used widely in all
    fields of our life: trade, economy, science and technology English is a mean to
    bridge culture in the world. Thank to this connection, Vietnamese people are
    more friendly, sympathetic, motivated in the relationship with other culture.
    Study English have become more and more popular to the youth especially to
    student. It is considered as a necessary language for each student during the
    process of studying and working. For students of Foreign Language
    Department, this gets more important.
    However, it is not easy to study a foreign language well like English. Almost
    students have difficulties in studying and researching special subject such as
    phonetics, lexicology and grammar.
    To carry out the purpose of using English fluently, the learners need to have
    thorough grasp of English lexicology and grammar. Many learners ap proach the
    study of English with the eyes of the user. In the process of learning English, I
    realize that complex noun phrases play a very important role in English using
    and the more I study, the more interesting I find. That is the reason why I decide
    to choose the research entitled: ‚A study on nominal and denominal elements as
    pre-modifiers in complex noun phrases‛. The study shows learners of English
    not only basic knowledge of the characteristics of English complex noun
    phrases but also categories of noun and denominal adjectives used as premodifier in complex noun phrases. This will help learners to understand
    complex noun phrases deeply.
    2. Aim of the research
    Because of important role of complex noun phrases as well as difficulty in
    understanding and using for learners. The study aimed at :
    Study on definitions, structures, functions, and categories of pre-modifiers.
    Indicate some problems that learners of English make a grammar mistake in
    using complex noun phrases.
    Suggest some solutions for those problems
    3. Scope of the research
    Although learners of English find so many things interesting during their
    learning process, I myself do the same. However, the most fantastic that I keep
    growing my passion on is complex noun phrases. Because of the time allowance
    and limited knowledge, my graduation paper cannot cover all adjectives, nouns
    and verbs. The study focuses on complex noun phrases, nominal and denominal
    elements as pre-modifiers in complex noun phrases. Therefore, I would try to
    find answers for the foreign question of the study.
    (1). What are complex noun phrases, nominals and denominals?
    (2).What is structure of complex noun phrases?
    (3). What are semantic features of nominals and denominals?
    (4). What are syntactic function of nominals and denominals?
    (5). What are types of noun used as pre-modifiers in complex noun phrases?
    (6). What are types of derivational noun (denominal adjectives) used as pre modifiers in complex noun phrases?
    (7). What are common mistakes in using nominals and denominals as pre modifiers in complex noun phrases?
    4. Method of the research
    In order to achieve the mentioned aims, I try my best to collect essential related
    document in reference books with great help of my supervisors, from internet
    and dictionaries. Then, this theme is studied on the basic of analyzing,
    contrasting and researching of linguistics. Apart from this, there is apart of my
    knowledge accumulated during the process of my study.
    5. Design of the research
    The study is divided into three main parts:
    The first part is the Introduction, which gives out the reason for choosing
    the topic of this study, pointing out the aims on conducting the study and
    making out the methods applied as well.
    The second part is the Development, consisting of three chapters:
    Chapter I: Introduce the theoretical background of complex noun phrases.
    Chapter II: Refer to analysis for nominal and denominal elements as premodifiers in complex noun phrases.
    Chapter III: Give some common mistakes and solutions.
    The last in the Conclusion, which summaries all the things mentioned in
    the second part of the study.
    Part II: Development
    Chapter I: Theoretical background
    I. Noun phrases
    I.1. Definition of noun phrases:
    In grammar, a noun phrase (abbreviate NP) is a phrase whose head is a noun or
    a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a set of modifiers.
    The pretty girl
    She in the corner
    I.2. Complex Noun Phrases:
    There are two kinds of noun phrases: basic noun phrases and complex noun
    phrases. In the study, nominals and denominals as pre-modifiers are only in
    complex noun phrase, therefore, this article is to deal with the structure of
    complex noun phrases.
    Complex noun phrases contain three components: pre-modification, head noun
    and post-modification.
    I.2.1. Head Noun
    Like in the basic noun phrase, the head noun, first of all, is the central element
    and core component of the complex noun phrase. It may be count or mass noun
    which dictates concord and (for the most part) other kinds of congruence with
    the rest of the sentence outside the noun phrase. This is exemplified in:
    The only girl in this class is hardworking.
    All of the beautiful girls in my class are kind.

    1. Delahnty, G.P., & Garvey, J.J. (1994). Language, Grammar and
    Communication. A course for teachers of English. International
    editions. Mr Graw-Hill, Inc.
    2. Dirven,René. Cognitive English grammar. John Benjamins.
    3. Frank, M. (1993). Modern English. A Practical Reference Guide.
    Prentice Hall.
    4. Huddleston, R. (1984). Introduction to the Grammar of English.
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    5. Kies, Daniel. (1995). Modern English Grammar. College of Dupage.
    6. MacFadyen, Heather. The Parts of Speech. University of Ottawa
    7. Quirk , Randolph., Sidney, Greenbaum. (1972). A university Grammar of
    English. (1972). London: Longman.
    8. Radden, Günter., Swan, M. (1980). Practical English Usage. Oxford:
    Oxford University Press.
    9. Thomson, A.J., & Martinet, A.V. (1986). A Practicle English Grammar.
    Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    10. In association with the Learn English Network."
    14. www. nouns
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