Luận Văn A study on euphemism used in expressing the death in English and Vietnamese

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp
    Đề tài: A study on euphemism used in expressing the death in English and Vietnamese

    Table of contents
    List of abbreviations
    Part one: Introduction 1
    1. Rationale 1
    2. Aims of the study 1
    3. Scope of the study . 2
    4. Methods of the study . 2
    5. Design of the study 3
    Part two: Development 4
    Chapter 1: theoretical background 4
    I. Definitions 4
    1. What is Euphemism? . 4
    1.1. Some definitions of English Euphemism . 4
    1.2. Some example of English Euphemism 5
    2. Classification of euphemisms . 6
    2.1. Terms of foreign and/or technical origin . 6
    2.2. Abbreviations . 6
    2.2.1. Abbreviations using a spelling alphabet . 7
    2.2.2. Plays on abbreviations . 7
    2.2.3. Use in mostly clinical settings . 7
    2.2.4. Abbreviations for phrases . 7
    2.3. Abstractions and ambiguities . 7
    2.4. Indirections . 7
    2.5. Mispronunciation . 7
    2.6. Slang . 7
    II. Characteristics of English Euphemism . 7
    1. Universality . 8
    2. Localization . 8
    3. Contemporaneity . 8
    4. Language Territory 8
    5. National Characteristic 9
    6. Having division of the sentimental color 9
    7. Having life . 9
    8. Sociality . 9
    9. Re-symbolism 10
    10. Arbitration . 10
    11. Relevance and Indirect 10
    12. The English Euphemism of Idiom and Temporary . 11
    13. Fuzziness . 11
    14. Humorous 12
    15. Accuracy 12
    III The major function of the English Euphemism . 12
    1. The social communicative function of English euphemism . 12
    1.1. The evasive function of English euphemism . 13
    1.2. The polite function of English euphemism 14
    1.3. The cosmetic function of English euphemism . 14
    2. The communication function of English Euphemism 16
    2.1. Avoidance of taboo 16
    2.2. Politeness 16
    2.3. Avoidance of vulgarism . 17
    2.4. Covering up 17
    Chapter 2: On English “Death” Euphemism . 19
    1. Understanding English “Death” Euphemism 19
    1.1. Introduction 19
    1.2. English “Death” Euphemism and Culture . 20
    1.3. The main origin of “Death” Euphemism . 21
    1.3.1. Christianity Belief . 21
    1.3.2. Funeral Way 22
    1.3.3. Professional Language 23
    1.4. The Development of “Death” Euphemism 24
    2. Why Euphemism “Death” Euphemism? 25
    2.1. English “death” Euphemism and Metaphor . 25
    2.2. English “Death” Euphemism and Age, Relationship 29
    2.2.1. Age 29
    2.2.2. Relationship . 29
    2.3. English “Death” Euphemism and before or after death, Dead Cause . 30
    2.3.1. Before or After Dead . 30
    2.3.2. Dead Cause 31
    2.4. English “Death” Euphemism and Oral expression, Slang . 31
    2.4.1. Oral Expression . 31
    2.4.2. Slang 32
    2.5. Summary 33
    Chapter 3: English and Vietnamese “death” euphemism in
    comparison . 34
    1. Some example about “Death” Euphemism in English and Vietnamese . 34
    1.1. “Death” Euphemism and Metaphor . 34
    1.2. “Death” Euphemism and Age 35
    1.3. “Death” Euphemism and Relationship 35
    1.4. “Death” Euphemism and before . 36
    1.5. “Death” Euphemism and after death, Dead cause . 36
    1.6. “Death” Euphemism and Oral expression . 37
    1.7. “Death” Euphemism and Slang 37
    2. The Similarities in using “Death” Euphemism in English and
    Vietnamese 38
    3. The Difference in using “Death” Euphemism in English and
    Vietnamese . 40
    3.1. In English . 40
    3.2. In Vietnamese . 41
    Part III: Conclusion 43
    1. The summary . 43
    2. Suggestions for further study 43
    References . 44

    I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuy
    Thu, for her patient and invaluable guidance at every stage of the study. To me, it is
    fortunate to have her encouragement and critical comments throughout the study.
    And I owe a special debt of gratitude to all teachers of the English department of
    Hai Phong Private University for their lectures who has thoughtfully trained me in
    the last four years.
    My thanks also go to all of my friends and whose names are not identified here for
    their assistance and advice.
    Finally, I would like to thank every member of my family for their continuing
    support and precious help to the completion of this study.

    PART ONE: Introduction
    1. Rationale of the study
    Language is a system of characters which came into being from men’s common
    labor, being developed and enriched with the development of men. With the
    development of our society, a fair number of words are labeled frivolous vulgar or
    at least inconsiderate, and some kinds of language as forbidden, as different
    religions, superstitious, believes, social customs and other reasons. Meanwhile,
    there were some other languages which are used to take place. In communication,
    for better maintaining social relationship and exchanging ideas, people have to
    resort to a new different kind of language, which can make distasteful ideas seem
    acceptable or even desirable. This type of language is defined as “Euphemism” in
    linguistics. It’s considered as “polite words or expressions that you instead of a
    more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting someone”. Euphemism has been
    always played an important role in English and especially, it is chiefly the key
    point for man in daily communication. Hence, with the hope to help English
    learners understand more deeply about using Euphemism, I decided to choose the
    research titled: “A study on Euphemism expressing Death in English and
    2. Aims of the study
    Euphemism is a cultural phenomenon as well as a linguistic concept, every
    language has its own euphemism, so does English. It’s deeply rooted in social life
    and has a great influence on social communications.
    This study aims at:
    - Pointing out theoretical background including the definition of Euphemism,
    its characteristics, type of Euphemism, its feature, its function.
    - Bringing about some useful knowledge about using Euphemism expressing
    death in English and Vietnamese and the comparison between them.
    - Offering preliminary further studies about the study.
    - Giving understanding on English “Death” Euphemism.
    - Finding out the differences and similarities in the way of using Death
    Euphemism in English and Vietnamese.
    3. Scope of the study
    Due to the limitation of time and my own knowledge, this study focuses on giving:
    - Understanding about English Euphemism and the Death Euphemism in
    - Making clearly the similarities and difference about Death Euphemism in
    English and Vietnamese.
    4. Methods of the study
    - To distinguish similarities, and difference in using Death Euphemism
    between two languages, comparison is the most effective method. The result of
    comparison helps to make language learning and teaching easier. For that reason, I
    choose the contrastive analysis method in my study.
    - Besides, this study is carried out by gathering and analyzing the reference
    materials, Internet researching which contains a huge, convenient scope of
    information as well as my personal knowledge day by day I learn from my
    teachers, books, internet and friends.
    5. Design of the study
    This study consists of three main parts:
    Part1 is the “Introduction” which introduces Rationale, Aims of the study, Scope of
    the study, Methods of the study and Design of the study.
    Part 2 is the “Development” which is divided into three main chapters:
    Chapter 1 is the “Theoretical background” providing the definition, the
    characteristics, the feature and the function of the Euphemism.
    Chapter 2 is the “The “Death “Euphemism in English”.
    Chapter 3 is the “Comparison between the Similarities and Difference of
    Euphemism in expression of death in English and Vietnamese.
    Part 3 is the “Conclusion” which summarizes the main points of the study
    Part two: DEVELOPMENT
    I. Definition
    1. What is Euphemism?
    There are words in every language which people instinctively because they are
    considered indecent, indelicate, rude, too direct or impolite. They are often
    described in a round-about way, by using substitutes called Euphemism.
    1.1. Some definitions of English Euphemism
    There are some definitions of English Euphemism I want to mention below:
     According to Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition ( 2006):
    “A euphemism is a polite word or phrase, which is used to describe a controversial
    or indiscreet activity. A euphemism is a substitute word, which is often more
    politically correct. But, a euphemistic statement can also be funny, humorous, or
    witty depending on the context of the statement”.
     According to Neaman & Silver, 1983, pp. 1-2:
    “Euphemisms are words we use to soften the reality of what we are communicating
    to a given listener or reader. They are a universal feature of language usage; all
    cultures typically use them to talk about things they find terrifying (e.g., war,
    sickness, death) because, anthropologically, "to speak a name was to evoke the
    divinity whose power then had to be confronted").
     American scholar Rawson (1983, p. 1) states:
    “Euphemisms are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us, even those
    who pride themselves on being plainspoken, ever get through a day without using
    them. Euphemisms are pervasive in our society. It is essential we know some basic

    1. Cambridge Advanced learner’s Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
    2. Donglin Feng. Euphemism—A mirrors of social life US-China Foreign
    Language, 2006.
    3. Ho Chi Minh, “Di Chuc”, Culture Publishing House, 1969.
    4. Literature 7. Education publishing House, 2005.
    5. Nam Cao, “Chi Pheo” Story. Culture Publishing House, 2003.
    6. Nguyen Du, Kieu Story. Culture- information Publishing House, 2003.
    7. Nguyen Manh Hung, Le Quoc Hanh, English Lexicology. Education Publishing
    House, 2003.
    8. Nguyen Hong, “Bi Vo” story. Culture Publishing House, 2004.
    9. Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2000.
    10. Tang Wenjun, Brief Discussion of English Euphemism and Its Communicative
    Functions, Sichuan Stationary College Journal. 2007).
    11. Eliecer Crespo Ferneandez.The.(1980). The language of Death Euphemism and
    Conceptual Metaphorization in Victorian Obituaries.
    - http:\
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