Luận Văn A study on English food-related idioms and proverbs and equivalents in Vietnamese

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

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    Đề tài: A study on English food-related idioms and proverbs and equivalents in Vietnamese

    Acknowledgement . 1
    Table of content . 2
    1. Rationale. . 4
    2. Aims of the study. 5
    3. Scope of the study. . 5
    4. Method of the study. 5
    5. Design of the study. . 6
    Part II: DEVELOPMENT . 7
    Chapter 1: Theoretical Background . 7
    I. Idioms and proverbs. 7
    1. Proverbs: 7
    1.1. Definition of proverbs . 7
    1.2. Some common features of proverbs . 9
    2. Idioms: 9
    2.1. Definition of idioms 9
    2.2. Some common features of idioms . 10
    II. Similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idioms
    and proverbs. . 12
    1. The distinction between idioms and proverbs 12
    1.1. English idioms and proverbs. . 12
    1.2. Vietnamese idioms and proverbs. 12
    2. Similarities between English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs . 13
    3. Differences between English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs . 15
    Chapter 2: An investigation into English idioms and proverbs relating
    to food and their equivalents in Vietnamese. . 18
    I. The relationship between food and culture and the appearance of food
    in English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs . 18
    II. Some popular English idioms and proverbs relating to food and their
    equivalents in Vietnamese. . 20
    Chapter 3: Some difficulties facing learners of English when studying
    idioms. 34
    1. Some difficulties in studying idioms and proverbs 34
    2. Suggested solutions . 35
    Part III: CONCLUSION . 37

    1. Rationale
    English is considered a global language, so it is taught widespread all over
    the world. The aim of the learners is to have good skills of communication in
    English. In order to gain that aim, besides a good knowledge of grammar, learners
    need to have a plentiful source of vocabulary. However, by mastering all the
    English words somehow is always a question raised. Learners have many
    difficulties is learning the vocabulary because of its formation and usages in
    Practically, study on the similarities and differences between the English and
    Vietnamese languages and the cultures they imply is one of my concerns when
    studying English at University. It is clear that there are many differences between
    the two languages of as those in grammar, lexicology, phonetic and a number of
    other things, which leads to the differences in metaphorical meaning implied in
    literature, idioms and proverbs expression.
    This study of English idioms and proverbs has been traditionally associated
    with the study literature; the use of idioms and proverbs is not restricted to this
    kind of language. A good understanding of how idioms and proverbs are used in
    daily language is not only important for students of English to increase their
    vocabulary, but also to understand new and original idioms and proverbs when
    hear or speak it. Because idioms and proverbs are a part of culture, understanding
    them is the key for learners to know more about the target nation as well as its
    custom and culture. Therefore, it is necessary and interesting to study English
    idioms and proverbs. However, one language is different from another one.
    Therefore, the way individual words used and the rules of making sentences are
    dissimilar in different languages. As a result, it is not easy for learners to
    understand and translate the metaphorical meaning of idioms and proverbs from
    one language to another. To cope with this difficulty, I would like to conduct a
    study on English idioms and proverbs. Due to the limitation of a graduation
    paper’s scope and time, I would like to focus on English idioms and proverbs
    relating to food which have a great occurrence in English idiom and proverb
    2. Aims of the study
    This study is done with the hope to reach some aims at:
     Giving the knowledge of idioms and proverbs.
     Distinguishing the differences and similarities between English and
    Vietnamese idioms and proverbs.
     Helping the learners use right idioms and proverbs relating to food in right
     Helping the learners solve problems when studying idioms and proverbs as
    well as more understand the meaning and usage of English idioms and
    proverbs relating to food.
    3. Scope of the study
    English idioms and proverbs vary. Thus it is impossible for me to go through
    all of them. I would like to emphasize English idioms and proverbs which relate to
    food because of the following reasons:
    - The importance of food in life and its relation to its nation’s culture.
    - Some popular English idioms and proverbs relating to food and their
    equivalence in Vietnamese.
    4. Method of the study
    In order to learn English idioms and proverbs relating to food and their
    equivalence in Vietnamese better, with a hope that learners could see the role of
    idioms and proverbs in life, the following methods are used in studying process:
    - Firstly, having discussion with my supervisor and friends.
    - Secondly, collecting materials from internet, book, dictionary and other
    - Thirdly, some English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs relating to food
    are analyzed and compared to find out some differences and similarities
    between them and the reasons leading to these similarities and
    - Finally, acknowledging the differences and similarities between English and
    Vietnamese idioms and proverbs, especially those relating to food, helps me
    to have an insight into the difficulties facing Vietnamese learners of English
    when studying such kind of English idioms and proverbs. From that, some
    useful solutions are suggested to help Vietnamese students solve their
    problems in understanding and using those English idioms and proverbs.
    5. Design of the study
    For a clear organization, I divide my study into three main parts:
     Part I is the "Introduction" that mentions to the reason, the aim, the scope,
    the method and the design of the study.
     Part II is entitled "Development" consisting of three chapters:
    Chapter1: Theoretical background, dealing with the definition,
    common features about idioms and proverbs. The difference and
    similarities between English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs.
    Chapter 2: An investigation into English idioms and proverbs relating
    to food and their equivalence in Vietnamese
    Chapter 3: Some difficulties and suggested solutions for learners of
    English when studying idioms and proverbs.
     Part III is the "Conclusion", summarizing what have been discussed in the
    previous parts.
    I. Idioms and Proverbs
    Idioms and proverbs are considered as special units of each language. They
    reflect honestly and exactly the history, experience, spiritual values, religious
    opinions and people of their country. So what are idiom and proverb? How can we
    distinguish between them? And what are differences between English and
    Vietnamese idioms and proverbs? The sections below will response to these
    1. Proverb
    1.1 Definitions of proverb
    In general, proverbs are defined to be “popular sayings which contain advice
    or state a generally accepted truth. Because most proverbs have their origins in oral
    tradition, they are generally worded in such a way as to be remembered easily and
    tend to change little from generation to generation, so much so that sometimes
    their specific meaning is no longer relevant .” ( For
    instance, the proverb “penny wise, pound foolish” is a holdover from when
    America was a British colony and used the pound as currency. Proverbs have a
    function as “folk wisdom,” ( therefore, they general
    advice about how to act and live. In addition, they often strongly reflect the
    cultural values and physical environment from which they arise. For example,
    island cultures such as Hawaii have proverbs about the sea. Eastern cultures have
    proverbs about elephants, and American proverbs, many collected and published
    by Benjamin Franklin, are about hard work bringing success. Proverbs are used to
    support arguments, to provide lessons and instruction, and to stress shared values.
    In other words, a proverb is understood "a phrase, saying, sentence,
    statement, or expression of the folk which contains above all wisdom, truth,
    morals, experience, lessons, and advice concerning life and which has been handed
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