Luận Văn A study on downtones in English

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp
    Đề tài: A study on downtones in English

    Part one: introduction 1
    1. Rationale of the study 1
    2. Scope of the study 2
    3. Method of the study .2
    4. Application places .3
    5. Design of the study 3
    Part two: development .4
    Chapter one: theoretical background .4
    1.1 An overview of English downtoners 4
    1.1.1 Definition .4
    1.1.2 Types of English downtoners .5 Compromizers .5 Diminishers .6 Minimizers 7 Approximators 8
    1.2 Syntactic features of downtoners 9
    1.3 Positions of downtoners 11
    1.4 Homonyms of intensifiers 13
    Chapter two: An investigation into analysis English
    downtoners and Vietnamese equivalence .15
    2.1 Notion of English downtoners 15
    2.2 Vietnamese downtoners 21
    2.3 English downtoners versus Vietnamese downtoners 25
    2.3.1 Similarities .25
    2.3.2 Differences .28
    2.4 An analysis on English downtoners and Vietnamese equivalence 30
    2.4.1 Equivalence case 30
    2.4.2 Non-equivalence case .33
    2.4.3 Benefits of downtoners 34
    Chapter three: Solution for non-equivalence case 37
    Part three: conclusion .39
    Summary of the study .39
    Suggestion for the further study 40
    List of references 41

    Part I: Introduction
    1. Rationale of the study:
    Nowadays, in the era of science and technology, language as a means of
    communication, has shown its great effects in many fields of our life. It takes part
    in people’s activities, such as economy, education, society and so on. Thus,
    language is also considered as a decisive factor for the development process of the
    society. When a language is developed, its vocabulary is always in constant
    development. At that time, the vocabulary is used to express new ideas, concepts to
    reflect people’s activities, characters and mentalities.
    However, in the grammatical system, there is a distinction which is called
    language barrier. Especially, the important distinction is downtoners. During my
    study time at University I have found that many students meet problems in usi ng
    English downtoners and Vietnamese equivalence. They, maybe, don’t understand
    clearly enough the types of downtoners, which lead to misunderstand the usages of
    these words.
    Therefore, being aware of the importance of vocabulary in communication and
    the distinction in the grammatical system, I finally decided to choose English
    vocabulary as the study for B.A research paper. My objective focuses on
    downtoners and analyze on English downtoners and Vietnamese equivalence.
    In this paper, the word ―downtoners‖ is defined as the lowering effect on the
    force of the verb and many of them scale gradable verbs. Besides, in this
    graduation paper, errors and mistakes are unavoidable. All remarks and
    contribution are always welcome gratefully.
    2. Scope of the study:
    Because of my frame of knowledge, experience, size and time, it is very difficult to
    study all classes of intensifiers. That’s why; my graduation paper is only focused
    on downtoners.
    The way of using English downtoners is so considerable that the people of Englishspeaking countries usually use downtoners in everyday conversation.
    The core of this paper is to study on downtoners and find out the analysis of
    English downtoners and Vietnamese equivalence. Concerning downtoners, there
    are many aspects such as definition, types, syntactic features, position, and
    homonym of intensifiers and so on. Therefore, this research is aimed at:
    Helping the learners identify some characters, types, and positions of
    Expressing the similarities and differences between English and
    Vietnamese downtoners.
    Analysis on equivalence in usage of English downtoners into
    Expressing the benefits of downtoners.
    3. Methods of the study:
    In fact, I myself find that English is the most popularly used language for all
    aspects in our society: economy, society, culture, science, and education, etc. I
    have been doing my best to study for further fields of English. This paper is
    based on a lot different sources specialized in English downtoners.
    Thanks to the knowledge gained from:
    Discussion with my supervisor and friends
    My own experiences
    Internet accessing
    Personal observation
    Documents and reference books
    4. Application places:
    The role of downtoners is very important and necessary in our life.
    Furthermore, this paper is studied in order to apply not only in education, but
    also in the social exchange. Importantly, it helps us gain a better insight into the
    structures and limit mistakes by the students.
    5. Design of the study:
    This graduation paper provides a clear organization consisting 3 main parts that
    the second part is the most important one.
     Part I: is Introduction, which gives the rationale for choosing this
    topic on study not only brings out the aims, the scope but also
    provides the method of the study.
     Part II: is Development that consists 3 chapters:
     Chapter I: Theoretical background.
     Chapter II: An investigation into analysis on English
    downtoners and Vietnamese equivalence.
     Chapter III: Solution for non-equivalence case
    1 Part III: Conclusion:
    1. Summary of the study
    2. Suggestion for further study
    3. List of references

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