Luận Văn A study on difficulties facing the second-year students majoring in food production staff in learnin

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 26/12/14.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    1. The background of the study
    - English is a common language in communication in the world.
    - Talking about learning a foreign language, the first thing comes up in our mind is words.
    - Vocabulary plays an essential role in acquiring a language and it is also an important tool to activate four language skills in English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
    -Hence, the more words we know, the more we succeed. However, acquiring words is not easy at all it is a necessary and interesting theme for learners to do research on.
    -In the context of Hanoi Tourism College (HTC), Food Production (FP) is much concerned as one of the most developed majors here and the students who major in food production management can study and practice in a better condition than others.
    - Students have difficulties in studying English in the course book entitled “English for Food Production Staff” mainly because of their limited vocabulary, which covers nearly 70% of exercises in the book. They often learn vocabulary passively through teachers’ explanations and forget them quickly.
    -Because of the given reasons, the researcher decided to conduct the research “A study on difficulties facing the second-year students majoring in food production staff in learning ESP vocabulary at Ha Noi Tourism College” with the hope that it will make a small but useful contribution to teaching and learning ESP in cookery at HTC.
    2. The aims of the study
    The study aims at achieving two purposes. The first one is to find out some difficulties facing the students of FP and the ESP teachers in the process of learning and teaching English vocabulary in the textbook “English for Food Production Staff”. The second one is to find some solutions to these problems.
    3. The objectives of the study
    To fully achieve the above aims, the study was carried out to answer the following questions :
    1. What are the difficulties facing the second – year students majoring in Food Production Staff in learning ESP vocabulary at HaNoi Tourism College?
    2. What are some of the solutions to these problems ?
    4. The object of the study
    The study focuses on difficulties facing the second–year students majoring in Food Production Staff in learning ESP vocabulary at Hanoi Tourism College.
    5. The scope of the study
    The study focuses on teaching and learning English vocabulary in the course book “English for Food Production Staff” for the students who major in cookery. Then, the difficulties found out will be analyzed and the solutions will be given to help improve the teaching and learning of cookery English at HTC.
    6. The methods of the study
    The research is conducted based on qualitative and quantitative methods.
    7. The significance of the study
    Theoretically, this study will help us uncover the second-year students’ obstacles in learning cookery vocabulary. A clearer look into the reasons for these difficulties will also be gained, and some suggested solutions will be drawn out, as well.
    Practically, it suggests certain ways in teaching and learning vocabulary to help students overcome these difficulties so that they can be confident not only in learning cookery English vocabulary but also in using them in their future jobs.
    8. The design of the study
    This study consists of the following main parts:
    Introduction: In this part, the background, the aims, the objectives, the object, the scope, the research methods, and the design of the study are provided. Also, the significance is given based on the research title.
    Chapter 1 introduces some background information about ESP.
    Chapter 2 explores the methodology of the study that includes the participants, the data collection methods, and the data collection procedure.
    Chapter 3 deals with finding and discussion to find out difficulties in learning English vocabulary of the second year students of Faculty of Food Production Management through the course book “English for Food Production Staff” at HTC. It also offers some implications of the study.
    Conclusion: offers a summary of the research and some suggestions for further study.

    Chapter 1. LITERATURE REVIEW 5
    1.1. An overview of ESP 5
    1.2. ESP vocabulary 10
    1.3. What should be taught in teaching vocabulary 11
    1.4. Factors affecting vocabulary acquisition 14
    1.5. Strategies to enhance student’s vocabulary 18
    Summary 21
    Chapter 2. METHODOLOGY 22
    2.1. Current situations of teaching and learning English at HTC 22
    2.2. Data collection methods 24
    2.3. Data collection procedure 26
    2.4. Data analysis 26
    Summary 27
    3.1. Findings 28
    3.2. Discussions 42
    3.3. Implication of the study 47
    Summary 52

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