Luận Văn A study on compound nouns in the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

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    Đề tài: A study on compound nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

    Part one: INTRODUCTION
    1. Rationale of the study
    2. Aims of the study.
    3. Methods of the study.
    4. Scope of the study.
    5. Design of the study.
    Part two: DEVELOPMENT
    I. 1. Noun in English. .
    I. 1 .1. Definition.
    I. 1. 2. Classification.
    I. 1. 2.1. Classification by meaning.
    1. Common noun.
    2. Proper noun.
    3. Abstract nouns.
    4. Concrete noun
    5. Collective noun.
    I. 1. 2. 2. Classification by structure:
    1. Simple nouns.
    2. Compound nouns.
    3. Complex nouns.
    I. 1. 2. 3 Classification by relationship with other components like case, gender,
    number .
    1. Singular nouns and plural nouns.
    2. Countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
    3. Nouns of masculine, feminine, common and neuter gender.
    I.1.3 Grammatical functions.
    1. Noun as Subject (S).
    2. Noun as Direct Object (Od).
    3. Noun as Indirect Object (Oi).
    4. Noun as Subject Complement (Cs).
    5. Noun as Object Complement (Co).
    6. Noun as Adverbial (A).
    I. 2. Compound noun in English:
    I. 2.1. What is compounding?
    I. 2. 2. Definition of compound nouns.
    I. 2. 3. Characteristics of compound nouns.
    1. Structurally, a compound noun consists of at least two root morphemes.
    2. The components of a compound noun can be simple or derived word and even
    other compound words.
    3. The function of compound nouns.
    4. Common English compound nouns.
    I. 2. 4. Classification of compound nouns.
    I. 2. 4. 1.According to the meaning.
    1. Non-idiomatic compound nouns.
    2. Idiomatic compound nouns.
    I. 2. 4. 2. According to componential relationship.
    1. Coordinative compound nouns.
    2. Subordinative compound nouns.
    I. 2. 4. 3. According to the compositional types.
    1. Compound noun formed by juxtaposition.
    2. Compound noun formed by morphological mean.
    3. Compound noun formed by syntactical mean.
    4. Compound noun formed by both morphological and syntactical means.
    I. 2. 4. 4. Word-class combination compound nouns.
    I. 2. 5. Miscellanea of compound nouns.
    1. Derivational compound nouns.
    2. Reduplicative compound nouns.
    3. Faded compound nouns.
    4. Dead compound nouns.
    5. Compound noun formed by “prepositional adverb”.
    I. 2. 6. Criteria of compound nouns.
    1. Phonological criterion.
    2. Inseparability criterion.
    3. Graphic criterion (spelling criterion).
    3. 1. The “solid” or “closed” form.
    3. 2. The hyphenated form.
    3. 3. The “open” or “spaced” form (as two separated words).
    4. Semantic criterion.
    II. 1 General view of compound nouns in the novel “Jane Eyre”.
    II. 2. The frequency of compound nouns in the novel “Jane Eyre”:
    II. 2. 1. Coordinative and subordinative compound nouns.
    1. Coordinative compound nouns.
    2. Subordinative compound nouns.
    II. 2. 2. Non-idiomatic compound nouns and idiomatic compound nouns.
    1. Non-idiomatic compound nouns.
    2. Idiomatic compound nouns.
    II. 2. 3. Compositional types of compound nouns.
    1. Compound nouns formed by juxtaposition.
    2. Compound nouns formed by morphological mean.
    3. Compound nouns formed by syntactical mean.
    4. Compound nouns formed by both morphological and syntactical means.
    II. 2. 4. Word-class combination compound nouns.
    1. Noun-noun compound nouns.
    2. Noun-verb compound nouns.
    3. Noun-adverb compound nouns.
    4. Verb-noun compound nouns.
    5. Verb-adverb compound nouns.
    6. Adjective-noun compound nouns.
    7. Adjective-verb compound nouns.
    8. Adverb-noun compound nouns.
    9. Adverb-verb compound nouns.
    10. Verb-verb compound nouns.
    II. 2. 5. Miscellanea of compound nouns.
    1. Derivational compound nouns.
    2. Reduplicative compound nouns.
    3. Faded compound nouns.
    4. Dead compound nouns.
    5. Compound noun formed by “prepositional adverb”.
    II. 3. The effectiveness of using compound nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre".
    III. 1. Misunderstanding the meaning of compound nouns.
    III. 2. Getting difficulties in distinguish compound nouns and other word classes.
    III. 3. Confusing when translating compound nouns from English into Vietnamese:
    III. 4. Some suggested solutions.
    1. Phonological criterion.
    2. Inseparability criterion.
    3. Semantic criterion.
    4. Graphic criterion.
    Part three: CONCLUSION

    1. Rationale of the study.
    Nowadays, English becomes the most widely used language in the world,
    80% of world information stored in English
    English also is an international language used in all aspects like: education,
    medicine, economy, science, tourism, culture, etc.
    In my opinion, English is not easy but very profound and interesting to
    English learners always understand that in our life, English is vital. Thanks
    to English, different nations with different languages and culture could close
    Grammar is an essential part of every language. L.G Alexander (2009" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue :p">1)
    denoted that we should learn grammar because "there is no point in learning
    grammar for the sake of learning grammar. Grammar is the support system of
    communication and we learn it to communicate better. Grammar explains the
    "why" and "how" of language. We learn it because we just can't do without it."
    In English, nouns account most proportion and types of nouns are various
    but compound nouns seem to be most attractive.
    Literature is not only vital spiritual of people but also serves as one of the
    best ways for better understanding between nations.
    The novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte, one of four famous works we
    learnt in the subject "English-American literature", was written with many
    compound nouns. With students of English, recognizing and analyzing compound
    nouns is not simple and may cause some problems.
    Therefore, I choose “a study on compound nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre"
    by Charlotte Bronte" as title of my graduation paper. I hope that the study could
    show English learners the characteristics and the usage of compoun d nouns in the
    novel "Jane Eyre".
    2. Aims of the study.
    My study aims to:
    Provide learners some characteristics and classification of compound nouns
    in order to facilitate the effective use of these compound nouns.
    Point out the structure of compound nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre" to
    classify these compound nouns more easily and exactly.
    Find out the frequency of compound nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre" to
    hypothesize the presence of these compound nouns in this novel.
    Identify some problems related to compound nouns used in the novel "Jane
    Eyre" and give some suggested solutions to overcome.
    3. Methods of the study.
    The method of the study is data collection. First, data was collected from the
    reference books as well as internet to have useful informa tion. For instance, the
    researcher read some reference books to find out definitions that are necessary for
    "chapter one: Theoretical background"; and many examples as well.
    The data is then analyzed in order to show the frequency of compound
    nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre".
    Furthermore, from analyzing the frequency of compound nouns in the novel,
    some possible problems are identifide. Basing on the researcher's knowledge and
    experience, some solutions to these problems are point out.
    4. Scope of the study.
    I could not take a study on all issues related to compound nouns because of
    my knowledge and experience. Furthermore, I could not take a study on all
    literature works due to the time frame. So, my study only focuses on compound
    nouns in the novel "Jane Eyre". The study expresses the general view on
    compound nouns, frequency and their effectiveness in the novel "Jane Eyre".
    5. Design of the study.
    My study includes three main parts but the second is the most important one.
    The first, INTRODUCTION, presents about rationale, aims, methods, scope, and
    the design of the study.
    The second, DEVELOPMENT, consists of three following chapters:
    Chapter one shows an overview of some theoretical concepts such as
    definition, classification of noun; and definition, classification and criteria of
    English compound nouns.
    Chapter two gives an investigation into compound nouns in the novel "Jane
    Chapter three highlights some problems related to compound nouns in the
    novel and some suggested solutions to these problems.
    The third, CONCLUSION, summaries the study mentioned above.

    I. 1. Noun in English.
    I. 1. 1. Definition.
    The term "noun" seems to be a simple concept but in fact, it quite difficult to
    In process of studying, I found some definitions of noun:
    Randolph Quirk (1987[IMG]" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue :p">21) defined nouns as "entities that are regarded as
    stable, whether these are concrete (physical) like house, table, paper, or abstract
    (of the mind) like hope, botany, length”.
    Richard Nordquist denoted that noun is the part of speech (or word class)
    that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action. Adjective: nominal.
    A noun can function as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition,
    or an appositive
    Noun is a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing,
    quality or action
    Noun is the word class that can serve as a subject or object of a verb, the
    object of a preposition or in apposition.
    In the first definition, noun was defined by meaning and in the second one; it
    was defined by grammatical functions.
    A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing
    in fact or in thought; a substantive.
    In linguistics, a noun is a member of a large, open lexical category whose
    members can occur as the main word in the subject or clause.
    A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract
    idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.

    1. Alexander, L.G. (2009), Longman English Grammar Practice. Nha xuat ban
    Dong Nai
    2. Bronte, C. (1869), Jane Eyre. London: Wateeloo Place
    3. Chaplin, C. (2000), Grammar and Usage. Saddleback Educational Publ
    4. Loan, Do Thanh. (2003), Hoi - Dap ve danh tu tieng Anh. Nha xuat ban Van
    hoa - Thong tin
    5. Ha, Tran Thanh. (2008), Danh tu tieng Anh. Nha xuat ban Tu dien Bach
    6. Murray, L. (1829), An English Grammar. PhiluUlphia
    7. Quirk, R. (1987), A University Grammar of English. Longman
    8. Truong, Hoang Tat. (1993), Basic English lecxicology. Ha Noi Pedagogy
    and Foreign Language University

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