Tài liệu A Programmer's Introduction to PHP 4.0

Thảo luận trong 'Căn Bản' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Acknowledgments xi
    Introduction xiii
    How To Use This Book .xv
    Part One: The Basics .1
    Chapter 1 An Introduction to PHP .3

    An Abbreviated History 3
    Characteristics of PHP .5
    User Affirmations .8
    An Introductory Example 9
    Downloading PHP/Apache .10
    Installation and Configuration 12
    PHP Configuration .20
    Basic PHP Constructs 23
    What’s Next? .29
    Chapter 2 Variables and Data Types 31
    Integer Values .31
    Floating-Point Numbers 32
    String Values 33
    Arrays 35
    Objects .38
    Boolean, or True/False, Values .39
    Identifiers .40
    Variables 41
    Type Juggling 46
    Type Casting 47
    Variable Assignment .48
    Variable Variables 50
    Predefined Variables .50
    Constants .53
    What’s Next? .53
    Chapter 3 Expressions, Operators, and Control Structures .55
    Expressions .55
    Control Structures .63
    Project: Develop an Events Calendar .77
    What’s Next? .80
    Chapter 4 Functions .81
    What Is a Function? 81
    Function Definition and Invocation .81
    Nested Functions 83
    Returning Values from a Function .85
    Recursive Functions 88
    Variable Functions .88
    Building Function Libraries .90
    What’s Next? .91
    Chapter 5 Arrays .93
    Creating Arrays 93
    Multidimensional Arrays .96
    Referencing Multidimensional Arrays 97
    Locating Array Elements 98
    Adding and Removing Elements 100
    Traversing Arrays .103
    Array Size 109
    Sorting Arrays 111
    Other Useful Functions 117
    What’s Next? 120
    Chapter 6 Object-Oriented PHP 121
    PHP and OOP 122
    Classes, Objects, and Method Declarations 122
    Class and Object Functions 135
    What’s Next? 142
    Chapter 7 File I/O and the File System .143
    Verifying a File’s Existence and Size .143
    Opening and Closing I/O 145
    Writing to a File .147
    Reading from a File .148
    Reading a File into an Array 153
    Redirecting a File Directly to Output 153
    Opening a Process File Pointer with popen() .154
    Opening a Socket Connection 155
    External Program Execution .157
    Working with the File System 160
    Displaying and Modifying File Characteristics .162
    Copying and Renaming Files .164
    Deleting Files .165
    Working with Directories 165
    Project 1: A Simple Access Counter .168
    Project 2: A Site Map Generator 169
    What’s Next? 173
    Chapter 8 Strings and Regular Expressions 175
    Regular Expressions .176
    PHP’s Regexp Functions (POSIX Extended) 179
    Regular Expression Syntax (Perl Style) .183
    PHP’s Regexp Functions (Perl Compatible) 185
    Other String-Specific Functions 189
    Project: Browser Detection .207
    What’s Next? 211
    Part Two: The Web .213
    Chapter 9 PHP and Dynamic Site Development .213
    Simple Linking .213
    File Components (Basic Templates) .215
    Project: Build a Page Generator .225
    What’s Next? .
    Chapter 10 Forms 229
    An Introduction to Forms 229
    Forms and PHP .238
    Error Checking .248
    Dynamic Forms Construction 250
    Project: Create a Guestbook 252
    What’s Next? 258
    Chapter 11 Databases 259
    What Is SQL? .260
    PHP’s Extensive Database Support 263
    MySQL 264
    PHP’s Predefined MySQL Functions 266
    ODBC .280
    Project: Create a Bookmark Repository 289
    What’s Next 297
    Chapter 12 Templates 299
    What You’ve Learned So Far 299
    Developing an Advanced Template System 300
    Project: Create an Address Book 312
    What’s Next? 318
    Chapter 13 Cookies and Session Tracking .321
    What Is a Cookie? .321
    Unique Identification Numbers 328
    Session Handling .331
    Project: Create a Visitor Log 345
    What’s Next? 351
    Part Three: Advanced PHP 353
    Chapter 14 PHP and XML .355
    A Brief Introduction to Markup .355
    An Introduction to XML Syntax .359
    PHP and XML 374
    A Final Note About PHP and XML 388
    What’s Next? 388
    Chapter 15 JavaScript and COM 391
    JavaScript 391
    The Component Object Model .400
    What’s Next 406
    Chapter 16 Security .409
    Configuration Issues 410
    Coding Issues 415
    Data Encryption 417
    E-Commerce Functions .422
    User Authentication .424
    Conclusion .429
    Index 431

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