Luận Văn A constrative analysis of similes in English and Vietnamese

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2012
    Đề tài: A constrative analysis of similes in English and Vietnamese

    1. Rationale of the study 1
    2. Aims of the study. . 2
    3. Scope of the study. 2
    4. Method of the study. 3
    5. Design of the study. 3
    CHAPTER I. Theoretical background . 4
    1. Definition . 4
    2. Basic elements of similes 5
    3. Classification of similes 7
    3.1. Based on the similar features 7
    3.1.1. Implicit simile . 7
    3.1.2. Explicit simile . 8
    3.2. Based on component word and phrase . 10
    3.2.1. Comparisons with adjectives 10
    3.2.2. Comparison with verbs . 11
    3.2.3. Miscellaneous comparison 12
    4. Linguistic features of similes in English And Vietnamese . 13
    4.1. The acoustic feature of speech 13
    4.2. Numerous components in Vietnamese similes . 13
    4.3. The implicit feature of comparative words . 14
    4.4. The national feature 14
    4.5. The involvement of other figures of speech . 15
    4.6. The cliché characteristics of similes . 16
    CHAPTER II. The contrastive analysis of similes in English and
    Vietnamese . 17
    1. Implicit simile “like” 17
    1.1. Comparative expression of “like” – “như” in Vietnamese 18
    1.2. Other expression of “like” in Vietnamese 20
    2. Explicit simile “as as” . 25
    2.1. Simile relating to colours . 25
    2.1.1. Black 25
    2.1.2. Red 27
    2.1.3. White . 28
    2.1.4. Pale 30
    2.2. Explicit similes relating to human’s characters. 31
    2.2.1. Positive characters. . 32
    2.2.2. Negative characters. . 37
    2.3. Physical characteristics 43
    1. Problem faced by learners in studying similes . 49
    1.1. Problem in understanding. . 49
    1.2. Problem in memorizing. . 51
    2. Suggested solutions. . 52
    2.1. In understanding. 53
    2.2. In memorizing. . 53
    2.3. In using effectively . 54
    1. The issues addressed in the study. 57
    2. Suggestion for further study. 58
    Exercises 62
    Key to exercises 65

    1. Rationale of the study
    Language plays an important role in human life. Everyone tries to
    acquire, learn and use language as means of communication and
    simultaneously as social symbol of humanity. By using language, someone
    could make statement, convey facts and knowledge explain or report
    something as well as keep social relations among the language users. They are
    to indicate that by means of language, people can express their ideas, felling,
    information, etc through communication.
    As one of the languages in the world, English is considered and applied
    an international language. Since then, it is very popular and has been spoken
    and learnt by almost people in the world. In a developing country like
    Vietnam, English plays a vital role in various aspects. Especially, English can
    be used for developing relationships in the global forum, for reading English
    books (especially for English majors and researchers for approaching
    human’s knowledge in English – the global language).
    However, to gain remarkable achievements in studying this
    international language like the other languages in the world, learners must
    spread their approaching over various skills such as listening, writing and
    especially reading. Why reading is mentioned special? The reason lies in the
    weakness of the researcher of this study.
    As an English major, during years of studying English in university, I
    am always in trouble with reading skills. Beside the lack of reading skills,
    particular set expressions are also of great concern. Surprisingly, how can the
    same components make the different meanings in an expression? I am
    confused with the variation of these sayings.
    In addition, a perfect understanding of how set expressions are used in
    daily life language is not only important for English students to improve their
    vocabulary, but also to understand new and original idioms when we hear and
    use them in daily life. These are the reasons why I decided to do a research on
    the topic of simile. In fact, simile is a subtype of set expressions. Besides,
    simile attracts me with its appearance in rule of using comparative words of
    “like” and “as as”. Also, when I started to make a minor comparison
    between Vietnamese and English simile, this linguistic issue totally captivates
    my attention and drives me the wish to study more to understand as well as
    make us of it. Therefore, I hope that this major issue in my graduation report
    will help me enhance my knowledge of it and then help others to grasp the
    deep meanings shown in each simile. Nevertheless, due to the limitation of
    time and scope as well as the size of the study, I only focus on the Vietnamese
    and English similes relating to colors, human’s characters as well as physical
    2. Aims of the study:
    The study aims at:
     Widening knowledge of the learners and someone interested in
     Enriching the English similes for learners.
     Helping the learners use simile correctly in relevant ways.
     Giving out solutions for difficulties in studying similes and tips for
    effective use.
    3. Scope of the study:
    It is rather difficult for me to study all the similes of all topic s due to
    the limitation of my knowledge as well as the time so I only focus on similes
    in term of typical colors,human’s negative and positive characters as well as
    physical characteristics. In addition, I will try to have a contrastive analysis on
    Vietnamese and English similes in some cases.
    4. Method of the study:
    This study is carried out basing on:
     Material collection from various reference books, dictionaries as
    well as golden websites to establish the theoretical background.
     Quantitative method including consulting ideas from people joining
    in the research.
     Comparative research to find out the similarities and differences
    used in similes between English and Vietnamese.
    5. Design of the study:
    This study consists of three parts and the second is the most important
    Part One is the introduction which states the reason of the study, the
    aims of the study, and the scope of the study, the method of the study and the
    design of the study as well.
    Part Two is the Development which is the main content consisting of
    three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical background. It focuses on
    some general definitions. The second chapter stresses on two kinds of similes
    basing on comparing them in English and Vietnamese. The third chapter will
    give out some problem learners are facing in studying similes and suggested
    solutions as well as some exercises for practicing.
    Part Three is the Conclusion of the whole study which summarizes the
    main topic given in the part two.

    CHAPTER I: Theoretical background of simile in English.
    1. Definition
    Of all figures of speech, simile is said to be the simplest and the most
    common used. Simile is utilized popularly in numerous languages and
    linguistic fields. It is believed that simile is taken the best advantages in
    making writings or work more interesting and entertaining.
    There are ample ways to give simile a definition.
    First of all, in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1997, p.593), C.
    Jonathan defines: “Simile is a comparison of one thing with another”. It is
    considered the briefest and simplest definition.
    However, far from now, Kirssner and Mandell (1987, p.82) gave a more
    specific definition: “A simile is a comparison between two essentially unlike
    items on the basis of a shared quality; similes are produced by like or as” .
    Another idea of same thought in The American Heritage College
    Dictionary (1997, p.1270) supports the above definition as the authors
    confirm simile as: “A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things
    are explicit compared, usually by the means of like or as”.
    Besides, it is quoted from that: “Simile is a figure of speech
    that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words
    “like” or “as”.
    It could be concluded from above mentioned definitions that simile
    involves some forms of comparison using “like” or “as” and the comparison
    here is explicit.
    In Vietnamese, according to Lac and Hoa (2001, p.189), simile is
    defined as: “So sánh (còn gọi là tỉ dụ) là phương thức diễn đạt tu từ khi đem
    sự vật này đối chiếu với sự vật khác miễn là giữa hai sự vật có một nét tương
    đồng nào đó, để gợi ra hình ảnh cụ thể, những cảm xúc thẩm mĩ trong nhận
    thức của người đọc, người nghe”.

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