Luận Văn A consideration of how to attract beginners to speaking lessons in Popodoo Foreign Language Centre

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Khóa luận tốt nghiệp năm 2012
    Đề tài: A consideration of how to attract beginners to speaking lessons in Popodoo Foreign Language Centre

    1. Rationale 1
    2. Aims of the study . 2
    3. Scope of the study 3
    4. Methods of the study 3
    5. Design of the study . 4
    I. Speaking skill: an overview . 5
    1. What is speaking? . 5
    2. The importance of speaking . 6
    II. Children picking up English . 7
    II.1 The Benefits of Early Language Learning . 7
    II. 2. Children‘s stages in picking up English . 8
    II. 3. Factors affect children learning English. 10
    III. Teaching English speaking skill for children 11
    1. Advantages 11
    2. Challenges . 13
    3. Effective English speaking teaching method for children 13
    CENTER 15
    I. Reality . 15
    I.1. Introduction of Popodoo: Establishment and current situation 15
    I.2 Teaching and learning condition 15
    I.3 English teaching staff . 19
    I.4 Popodoo‘s curriculum 21
    I.5 Communication book, stickers and gift . 24
    I.6 Popodoo‘s English teaching program for children. . 25
    II. Survey questionnaire 26
    1. Participants . 26
    2. Purposes of the survey questionnaire . 26
    3. Design of the survey questionnaire . 27
    4. Data and analysis . 27
    4.1 The age of students (question 1, appendix 1) 27
    4.2 The students‘ learning English time (question 2, appendix 1) . 28
    4.3 The students‘ learning English time in Popodoo (question 3, appendix 3) 28
    4.4. Reasons for choosing Popodoo to learn English (students can choose more
    than one answer) (question 4, appendix 4) . 29
    4.5 Students’ opinions toward the role of speaking skill 30
    4.6 Students’ opinions toward Popodoo speaking lessons. 31
    4.7 Kinds of working activities in speaking activities . 32
    4.8. Students’ opinions on current used techniques and their effectiveness in
    teaching speaking 33
    4.8.1 Pre-speaking (question 8, appendix 1) 33
    4.8.2 While-speaking (question 9, appendix 1) . 34
    4.8.3 Post-speaking (question 10, appendix 1) . 36
    4.9 Students’ opinions about difficulties when speaking in class . 38
    4.10 Activities students expect teachers to apply more in a speaking lesson. 39
    4.11 Students‘ expectation of improving their English in a speaking lesson . 40
    III. Findings and discussion of findings 41
    I. Lesson‘s procedures changes to raise the children‘s interest of English
    speaking activities . 43
    II. Increasing student‘s interest by using new games and activities . 44
    II.1 Pre-speaking . 44
    1.1. Listening . 44
    1.2 Brainstorming 44
    1.3 Pictures description . 45
    1.4 Pre-questions . 46
    1.5 Teaching through songs 47
    1.5.1 The Influence of music to children 47
    1.5.2. Teaching English by songs with specific topics . 48
    1.5.3 Examples of some typical songs related to specific topics: . 49
    1.6 Matching 51
    1.7 Games 54
    1.7.1 Hang man game 54
    1.7.2 Spelling game . 55
    1.7.3 ―Who am I?‖ game . 55
    II. 2 While-speaking 56
    2.1 New games 56
    2.1.1 Four corners . 56
    2.1.2 Death corner 57
    2.1.3 Stand up questions 57
    2.1.4 Zoo Game: . 57
    2.1.5 Dog and cat chase .57
    2.1.6 Telephone . 58
    2.1.7 Silence .59
    2.1.8 Word search . 59
    2.1.9 Role play . 60
    2.1.10 Information gap . 61
    2.2 Drawing activity . 62
    II. 3 Post-speaking . 63
    3.1 Free talk . 63
    3.2 Games to review 63
    3.2.1 Jumbled words 63
    3.2.2 Game: Gunny . 64
    3.2.3 Simon says 64
    3.2.4 Asking questions . 65
    3.2.5 Word-cue-drill 65
    3.3 Coloring activities .65
    Appendix 1: The survey questionnaire for students
    List of references

    1. Rationale
    Knowledge of foreign languages helps to promote cultural, educational and
    technical cooperation among nations. That is why one of the characteristic
    features of life in many countries today is a g reat interest in the study of foreign
    languages and Vietnam is not an exception. At present English is the most
    important of the world‘s languages. In number of speakers it ranks second. The
    use of English in diplomacy, commerce and science is evidence of its
    importance. For such reason, many millions of people learn it as a second
    In Vietnam, the gradually development of trade and economic, especially
    foreign trade in which becoming a member of World Trade Organization is a
    typical evidence making the need of mastering foreign languages, particularly
    English, is becoming more and more necessary. To this point, it is of great
    importance that teaching and learning English in school, basically have to
    change to meet the requirements. Actually, learning English is not only to know
    another language but also regarded as a tool of communication.
    Today, of the four English basic skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing),
    it is thought that speaking seems to play the most important role: knowing language-people are considered ―speaker‖ of that language as if speaking
    included all four kinds of knowing. Good English speakers can get a lot of
    advantages in business as well as daily life. Thus, speaking skill is always paid
    more attention.
    It is the fact that not only adults but also children need to be skilled at English
    speaking because of the early English speaking educated making the better
    English speaking skill later in life. However, the current English speaking
    method for children in Vietnam seems to be impossible to meet the demand. As
    a result, effective way of teaching English speaking for children has become
    necessarily than ever. Due to my love for English speaking and children as well
    as the ambition of finding out the effective English speaking teaching method
    for children, I always look for a new effective teaching method. After a period
    of time researching, the case of teaching English speaking for children at a
    Foreign Language Center in Haiphong is not disappointed me.
    At Haiphong Popodoo Foreign Language Center – an English teaching Center
    for children from 3 to 12 years old, a new used English teaching method called
    immersion language teaching is proving its efficiency. I had a training course
    last 1 and a haft month here. During the time at Popodoo, I have learnt a lot of
    valuable things not only about children‘s psychology but also about teaching
    method. Popodoo with the remarkable development after only one year opening
    business, it has attracted more than 400 students. At the moment, Popodoo has
    about 40 classes in which 8 to 18 students joined in a class.
    Therefore, I have the ambition of understanding how to attract beginners to
    speaking lessons in Popodoo Foreign Language Centre; the characteristics of
    ―immersion language teaching‖ method; finding out how the method takes affect
    in children‘s learning, especially in speaking skill. Due to my English
    knowledge limitation and the frame of the graduation paper, I would like to
    choose the research paper entitle: “A consideration of how to attract
    beginners to speaking lessons in Popodoo Foreign Language Centre”.
    2. Aims of the study
    Firstly, the study studies the different aspects of speaking skill that serves as
    overview, the features and characteristics of teaching speaking skill. Secondly,
    also the most important aim, the study explores the real situation of teaching
    English-speaking skill in Haiphong Popodoo Foreign Language Center, the
    advantages and effectiveness of immersion language teaching method. Thirdly, the
    study investigates the students and teachers‘ attitude toward a speaking lesson in
    Haiphong Popodoo Foreign Language Center . The last is to suggest some effective
    activities that can be applied in Haiphong Popodoo Foreign Language Center to
    attract students‘ interests and involvements in speaking lessons .
    3. Scope of the study
    Actually, Haiphong Popodoo Foreign Language Center teaching method to
    attract students‘ interests and involvements needs to be done in teaching all four
    basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). However, it is impractical
    to overspread such a large scope in a graduation paper. Thus, the study limits
    itself to: Finding out the reality of teaching English speaking skill for in
    Popodoo and the effectiveness of Popodoo teaching method as well as offering
    appropriate activities to attract beginners of English in Popodoo‘ speaking
    4. Methods of the study
    To complete this graduation paper, the following methods has been adopted:
    First, reference books related to speaking and methodology are reviewed to get
    background knowledge of what speaking is, successful and interesting
    techniques in teaching speaking. Second, , observation class is employed to
    understanding how to attract beginners to speaking lessons in Popodoo Foreign
    Language Centre; the characteristics of ―immersion language teaching‖ method;
    finding out its advantages and effectiveness. Third, a survey is conducted for
    beginners of English in Popodoo with a point of view to finding out their
    recognition, attitudes, evaluation of the matter and the difficulties they encounter
    as well as what activities they like doing in speaking lessons.
    5. Design of the study
    The study consists of three main parts: Introduction, Development, and
    Part I: Introduction shows reasons to choose the study, the aims, scope,
    methods, and design of the study.
    Part II: Development includes 3 chapters:
     Chapter 1: Literature review aims to answer the questions related to
    speaking that introduces the speaking skill and its features.
     Chapter 2: “A consideration of how to attract beginners to speaking
    lessons in Popodoo Foreign Language Centre” referred to the analysis and the
    findings obtain from survey questionnaires made to beginners of English at
    Popodoo. This helps examine the real situation of teaching speaking and the
    advantages of English speaking teaching method in attracting beginners to
    speaking lessons.
     Chapter 3: Some suggested techniques to attract beginners to speaking
    lessons in Popodoo Foreign Language Center.
    Part III: Conclusion summarizes the discussed parts in the paper and some
    suggestions for further study.
    Consequently, Part I has dealt with the content of the study. In the next
    part, the author will present the focus of the study including her literature review
    on the understanding of speaking skill and the research on how to attract
    beginners in Popodoo and survey questionnaires for teachers and students of
    Popodoo which help examine the real situation of teaching and learning
    speaking. Besides, this Part II also introduces some suggested techniques which
    can be applied to attract beginners‘ interests and involvements in speaking