Thạc Sĩ A calculus for stochastic QoS analysis and its application to conformance study

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 26/8/15.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Acknowledgements i
    Summary vii
    List of Symbols ix
    List of Tables xii
    List of Figures xiii
    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Quality of Service 1
    1.2 Stochastic QoS . 3
    iiContents iii
    1.2.1 Deterministic QoS vs. Stochastic QoS . 3
    1.2.2 Literature Survey on Stochastic QoS . 4
    1.2.3 Problem Statement . 9
    1.2.4 Overview of the Solution 10
    1.3 Conformance Study for Networks with Service Level Agreements 11
    1.3.1 Conformance Study 11
    1.3.2 Problem Statement 12
    1.3.3 Overview of the Solution . 12
    1.4 Structure of this Thesis . 13
    2 Stochastic QoS Bounds Under Deterministic Server 15
    2.1 Introduction . 15
    2.2 Brief Review of Deterministic Network Calculus . 16
    2.3 Network Model . 22
    2.3.1 Traffic Model 22
    2.3.2 Server Model 29
    2.4 Stochastic Bounds Under Deterministic Server 29
    2.4.1 Single Node Case 29
    2.4.2 Multi-Node Case 43
    2.5 Summary 46Contents iv
    3 Stochastic QoS Bounds Under Stochastic Server 48
    3.1 Introduction . 48
    3.2 Server Model 49
    3.3 Single Node Case 50
    3.4 Multi-Node Case 58
    3.5 Discussion 59
    3.6 Summary 62
    4 Per-flow Stochastic QoS Bounds Under Aggregate Scheduling 64
    4.1 Introduction . 64
    4.2 Aggregate Scheduling with Deterministic Server . 65
    4.3 Aggregate Scheduling with Stochastic Server . 77
    4.4 Discussion 82
    4.5 Summary 83
    5 Conformance Study in Networks with
    Service Level Agreements 86
    5.1 Introduction . 86
    5.2 Related Work 89
    5.3 Network Model . 90Contents v
    5.4 Conformance Deterioration and Stochastic
    Burstiness Increase . 92
    5.5 Property of Token Bucket Shaper . 94
    5.6 Conformance Study of Per-Flow Scheduling Network 97
    5.6.1 Single Node Case 97
    5.6.2 Multi-node Case 99
    5.7 Conformance Study of Aggregate Scheduling Network 100
    5.7.1 Per-Flow in Single Node Case . 101
    5.7.2 Per-Flow in Multi-Node Case . 107
    5.7.3 Per-Aggregate Case . 110
    5.8 Simulation Results . 112
    5.8.1 Per-Flow Scheduling Network in Single Node Case 113
    5.8.2 Aggregate Scheduling Network in Single Node Case . 117
    5.8.3 Aggregate Scheduling Network in Multi-Node Case . 119
    5.9 Summary 123
    6 Conclusions and Further Research 126
    6.1 Conclusions . 126
    6.2 Contributions of this Thesis 128
    6.2.1 A Calculus for Stochastic QoS Analysis [65] . 128Contents vi
    6.2.2 Conformance Study [66] 129
    6.3 Further Research 129
    Bibliography 132
    Appendices 143
    A List of Theorems 144
    B List of Publications 149