Tài liệu 15 đề ôn tập môn tiếng anh khối d và a1 (file word)

Thảo luận trong 'ÔN THI ĐẠI HỌC' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Đây là đề thi Đại học (có đáp án) môn Tiếng Anh khối D và A1 định dạng Microsoft Office Word, giúp giáo viên và học sinh rất dễ dàng sử dụng và copy.

    Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below:
    My lawyer, Mr. Turner, is the only man I know who has seen a ghost. He is a quiet even-tempered man whose life is spent in dealing with facts. He is the last person in the world to give way to fantasy. He has a wife and two children of whom he is proud, takes a modest holiday abroad every year and spends his Sundays gardening. He is knowledgeable about art and architecture, though he doesn't pretend to be an expert by any means. It is, therefore, all the more surprising that he should so insistent about the ghost. It happened, so he says, like this:
    He was travelling2 from London to the North of England by train. It was a misty November evening and the train was half empty. In fact for the first part of the journey Mr. Turner had the carriage to himself and sat dozing over a newspaper. However at the first stop a passenger jumped in, slamming the door behind him. He seemed out of breath as if he had been running. He was a striking looking young man with dark, bushy hair and bright intelligent eyes. He was dressed rather oddly in a long waited coat with silver buttons, tight trousers and an embroidered waistcoat. Mr. Turner did not pay much attention to this because people wear all sorts of extravagant clothes these days and he had long grown accustomed to them.
    Presently, the two men got into conversation, as people do on long journeys. Mr Turner was interested to cover that the young man was very knowledgeable about Art - in particular portraits. His name, he said, was Joseph Hart, and he was on his way to visit an exhibition. It seemed that he worked in a famous London Art Gallery - a picture restorer, perhaps, thought Mr. Turner, for he seemed to know a great deal about varnishes and paints, and even more about the subjects of certain portraits. When Mr. Turner asked his opinion of the portrait of a famous judge by an artist he admired, his companion laughed and said, “He’s only a reproduction - a good one I agree but you can't talk to a reproduction.” He spoke as though the person in the portrait were still living.
    After a while the carriage got hot and steamy and Mr. Turner dropped off. He woke up just as the train was drawing up at a junction with a grinding of brakes. His companion had disappeared.
    A few days later, having returned to London, Mr. Turner found himself near the Art Gallery. Moved by some impulse, he went in and enquired for Joseph Hart. The attendant directed him to a room devoted to early nineteenth century portraits of well-known men. There was no-one in the room and Mr. Turner looked about him. Without knowing quite how he had got there, he found himself standing in front of a full-length portrait of a dark young man in tight trousers and an embroidered waistcoat. The eyes smiled at him with a hint of amusement. The name-plate at the foot of the picture read: Joseph Hart, Gentleman, 1800-1835.
    1. What kind of person was Mr Turner?
    [TD]A. imaginative[/TD]
    [TD]B. fantastic[/TD]
    [TD]C. sensible[/TD]
    [TD]D. insensitive[/TD]
    2. Although he was a lawyer, Mr Turner .
    [TD]A. pretended to know a lot about Art
    C. pretended to take an interest in Art.[/TD]
    [TD]B. knew something about Art.
    D. intended to learn more about Art.[/TD]
    3. When the passenger entered Mr Turner’s compartment
    [TD]A. he was painting.
    C. the train was just leaving[/TD]
    [TD]B. he was running.
    D. the carriage was half-empty.[/TD]
    4. The passenger’s clothes didn’t seem strange to Mr Turner because
    [TD]A. he was used to wearing strange clothes.
    C. everyone he knew wore strange clothes.[/TD]
    [TD]B. he liked people who wore strange clothes.
    D. he had seen a lot of people in strange clothes.[/TD]
    5. Mr. Turner thought the young man might
    [TD]A. be an Art Dealer.
    C. renew old pictures.[/TD]
    [TD]B. be an Art Expert.
    D. paint reproductions of old pictures.[/TD]
    6. Why wouldn’t the passenger give an opinion on the portrait of the judge?
    [TD]A. the judge wasn’t alive.
    C. the picture was a copy.[/TD]
    [TD]B. the judge was still alive.
    D. he hadn’t seen it.[/TD]
    7. When did Mr Turner first realize that the passenger had gone?
    [TD]A. When the train started.
    C. Just before the train stopped.[/TD]
    [TD]B. After the train had stopped.
    D. When the train was leaving the station.[/TD]
    8. Why did Mr Turner go into the Art Gallery?
    [TD]A. He was walking past there.
    C. He had planned to do so.[/TD]
    [TD]B. He had never been there before.
    D. He suddenly decided to.[/TD]
    9. In the past of the gallery that Mr Turner was directed to
    [TD]A. there were a lot of pictures by unknown people.
    C. no-one else was looking at the pictures.[/TD]
    [TD]B. there were a lot of nineteenth century people.
    D. he only saw one portrait.[/TD]
    10. When Mr Turner looked at the portrait of Joseph Hart .
    [TD]A. he smiled at it.
    C. he didn’t recognize it.[/TD]
    [TD]B. he thought it smiled at him.
    D. he was amused.[/TD]
    Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below:
    Quite different from storm surges are the giant sea waves called tsunamis, which derive their name from the Japanese expression for high water in a harbor. These waves are also referred to by the general public as tidal waves, although they have relatively little to do with tides. Scientists often refer to them as seismic sea waves, far more appropriate in that they do result from undersea seismic activity.
    Tsunamis are caused when the sea bottom suddenly moves, during an underwater earthquake or volcano, for example, and the water above the moving earth is suddenly displaced. This sudden shift of water sets off a series of waves. These waves can travel great distances at speeds close to 700 kilometers per hour. In the open ocean, tsunamis have little noticeable amplitude, often no more than one or two meters. It is when they hit the shallow water the coast that they increase in height, possibly up to 40 meters.
    Tsunamis often occur in the Pacific because the Pacific is an area of heavy seismic activity. Two areas of the Pacific well accustomed to the threat of tsunamis arc Japan and Hawaii. Because the seismic activity that causes tsunamis in Japan often occurs on the ocean bottom quite close to the islands, the tsunamis that hit Japan often comes with little warning and can therefore prove disastrous. Most of the tsunamis that hit the Hawaiian Islands, however, originate thousands of miles away near the coast of Alaska, so these tsunamis have a much greater distance to travel and the inhabitants of Hawaii generally have time for warning of their imminent arrival.
    Tsunamis are certainly not limited to Japan and Hawaii. In 1755, Europe experienced a calamitous tsunami, when movement along the fault lines near the Azores caused a massive tsunami to sweep onto the Portuguese coast and flood the heavily populated area around Lisbon. The greatest tsunami on record occurred on the other side of the world in 1883 when the Krakatoa volcano underwent a massive explosion, sending waves more than 30 meters high onto nearby Indonesian islands; the tsunami from this volcano actually traveled around the world and was witnessed as far away as the English Channel.
    11: The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses
    A. underwater earthquakes B. storm surges C. tides D. tidal waves
    12: According to the passage, all of the following are true about tidal waves EXCEPT that
    A. they're caused by sudden changes in high and low tides
    B. they refer to the same phenomenon as seismic sea waves
    C. they are the same as tsunamis
    D. this terminology is not used by the scientific community
    13: The world displaced in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
    A. located B. filtered C. moved D. not pleased
    14: It can be inferred from the passage that tsunamis
    A. are often identified by ships on the ocean
    B. generally reach heights greater than 40 meters
    C. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean
    D. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean
    15: As used in the passage, water that is shallow isn't
    A. coastal B. deep C. clear D. tidal
    16: A main difference between tsunamis in Japan and in Hawaii is that tsunamis in Japan are more likely to .
    A. come from greater distances B. be less of a problem
    C. originate in Alaska D. arrive without warning
    17: The possessive their in the third paragraph refers to .
    A. these tsunamis B. the inhabitants of Hawaii
    C. the Hawaiian islands D. thousands of miles
    18: A calamitous tsunami in the last paragraph is one that is .
    A. at fault B. expected C. disastrous D. extremely calm
    19: From the expression on record in the last paragraph, it can be inferred the tsunami that accompanied the Krakatoa volcano
    A. might not be the greatest tsunami ever
    B. was not as strong as the tsunami in Lisbon
    C. was filmed as it was happening
    D. occurred before efficient records were kept
    20: The passage suggests that - the tsunami resulting from the Kr- volcano
    A. was unobserved outside of the Indonesian islands
    B. resulted in little damage
    C. caused volcanic explosions in the English Channel
    D. was far more destructive close to the source than far away
    Read the passage and choose A, B, C, D for each of the following blanks:
    Environmental Concerns
    Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life(21)______ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (22)______ to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (23)______ resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (24)______ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (25)______ We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (26)______ the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (27)______increasingly heavy demands on it.
    The Earth's (28)______ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (29)______ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (30)______ indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.
    21: A. Still B. Despite C. Yet D. Although
    22: A. for B. just C. already D. entirely
    23: A. lone B. individual C. lonely D. alone
    24: A. sooner B. rather C. either D. neither
    25: A. completely B. quite C. greatly D. utterly
    26: A. result B. product C. development D. reaction
    27: A. having B. doing C. taking D. making
    28: A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
    29: A. stay B. keep C. maintain D. hold
    30: A. last B. stand C. remain D. go
    Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correction:
    [TABLE=width: 727]
    [TD]Drying food by means of solar energy is a ancient process applied wherever
    A B C D
    food an climatic conditions make it possible.[/TD]
    [TD]The examination will test your ability to understand spoken English, to read
    A B
    non technical language, and writing correctly.
    C D[/TD]
    [TD]That man was an easy recognized figure with his long, whrite beard and wide
    A B C D
    brimmed had.[/TD]
    [TD]America’s first satellite exploded before it had risen three and a half feet off
    A B C D
    the ground.[/TD]
    [TD]An itch resulting when a nerve that can carry pain is only slightly stimulated.
    A B C D[/TD]
    Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence:
    36: Your teacher is reading a book.You want to ask her a question.
    You say: ____
    A. I’m sorry, I ask you a question. B. Excuse me. May I ask you a question?
    C. By the way, May I ask you a question? D. Hi, I’ll ask you a question.
    37: He denied ____ the shop.
    A. breaking on B. to break into C. having broken into D. to breaking
    38: We’ll have to call the barbecue ____ .It’s going to rain.
    A. for B. cross C. up D. off
    39: She failed the test ____ she studied hard.
    A. although B. even though C. A&B D. as
    40: You ____ out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught a cold.
    A. hadn’t gone B. haven’t gone C. shouldn’t have gone D. mustn’t have gone
    41: After a quick ____ at the patient, the doctor rang for an ambulance.
    A. glance B. stare C. glimpse D. gaze
    42: It was very ____ of you to notice that.
    A. observation B. observe C. observatory D. observant
    43: ____ electricity you use, ____ your bill will be.
    A. The most the higher B. The more . the high
    C. More .higher D. The more the higher
    44: Sam confessed ____ all the cookies.
    A. eat B. eating C. to eating D. to eat
    45: This one is prettier, but it costs ____ as the other one.
    A. twice as many B. as many as C. twice as much D. as much as
    46: Everyone thought she would accept the offer.____ ,she turned it down.
    A. However B. More over C. So D. Too
    47: Kate" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin :D">o you think Mary’s coming to the English club? Jackie: ____
    A. I hope not. B. I don’t believe C. I believe not so D. I believe not.
    48: I’ve just bought a television set ____ in Japan.
    A. which they make B. who is made C. which made D. made
    49: If I had taken his advice, I ____ now.
    A. would have been rich B. would be rich C. am rich D. will be rich
    50: We went by sea, but we’d rather ____ by air.
    A. went B. go C. to have go D. have gone
    51: We didn’t expect to come up ____ many problems
    A. about B. for C. against D. with
    52: Birds make nests in trees ____ hide their young in the leaves and branches.
    A. can where they B. where can they C. where they can D. where can them
    53: They asked me a lot of questions, ____ I couldn’t answer.
    A. all of which B. that C. all of whom D. who
    54: Under no circumstances ____ to play with fireworks without parental supervision.
    A. should a child be allowed B. a child be allowed
    C. a child should be allowed D. a child shouldn’t be allowed
    55: By the end of this week,my illness ____ me $100.
    A. cost B. has cost C. will have cost D. will has cost
    56: Neither Canada nor Mexico ____ that citizens of the United States have passports when they want to visit these countries.
    A. to require B. require C. requires D. requiring
    57: When ____ is not known.
    A. it was invented the wheel B. the wheel was invented
    C. the invention of the wheel D. was the wheel invented
    58: A: Will you come to our party tonight?
    B: ____, but I ‘ll have an important meeting.
    A. I’llcome B. I’d like coming C. I’d love to D. I like it.
    59: She turned off the record player ____ she could study.
    A. incase B. but C. so that D. even if
    60: The two men looked so alike that it was impossible to ____ between them.
    A. discriminate B. discern C. distinguish D. differ
    61: Let’s go for a coffee, ____ ?
    A. won’t we B. shall we C. will we D. will you
    62: It’s recommended that he ____ his course.
    A. taking B. take C. takes D. took
    63: ____ that Columbus sailed to America.
    A. That was in 1492 B. It was in 1492 C. In 1492 D. It is in1492
    64: ____ I get your call, I’ll leave
    A. By the time B. As soon as C. Now that D. Although
    65: The house is ____ fire. Send ____ the Fire Brigade.
    A. on - for B. on - to C. in - for D. in - during
    [B][I]Choose the word whose stress is different from the other words:[/I][/B]
    66: A. eradication B. similarity C. resolution D. contradiction
    67: A. appeal B. cigarette C. irrelevant D. machine
    68: A. validity B. tremendous C. flexible D. commercial
    69: A. necessarily B. necessary C. paradigm D. sovereign
    70: A. volcanic B. secretary C. advocate D. proposal
    [B][I]Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given:[/I][/B]
    71: There is absolutely no truth in that rumor.
    A. That rumor is true to some extent. B. That rumor is absolutely true.
    C. There is some absolutely true rumor. D. That rumor is absolutely false.
    72: I find myself at a loss to understand Harold’s behaviour.
    A. I lost contact with Harold, so I couldn’t understand his behaviour.
    B. I find Harold’s behaviour quite incomprehensible.
    C. I understand Harold’s behaviour completely.
    D. I have to lose a lot to understand Harold’s behaviour.
    73: In all probability, he is coming.
    A. Undoubtedly, he will come. B. He is coming very soon.
    C. He is very likely to come. D. He is bound not to come.
    74: No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car ,he didn’t succeed.
    A. It’s hard for Fred to start the car because he never succeeded.
    B. Fred tried very hard to start the car, and succeeded.
    C. However hard Fred tried ,he couldn’t start the car.
    D. Fred tried hard to start the car, and with success.
    75: “Would you like some coffee?”, Peter asked me.
    A. Peter asked me if I liked coffee.
    B. Peter offered to give me some coffee.
    C. Peter asked me to make him a cup of coffee.
    D. Peter, do you like some coffee?
    76: She strikes me as a very effective teacher.
    A. My impression of her is that she is a very effective teacher.
    B. She is such an effective teacher that she always strikes her students.
    C. As a teacher, she always strikes me.
    D. I make an effective impression on the teacher.
    77: The onset of the disease is shown by a feeling of faintness.
    A. The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness.
    B. A feeling of faintness signals the final stage of the disease.
    C. Faintness causes the disease.
    D. One feels faint if the disease is over.
    78: But for his father’s early retirement, Richard would not have taken over the family business.
    A. Richard’s father didn’t want him to take over the family business despite his retirement.
    B. His father retired early, but he still ran the family business.
    C. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
    D. Richard didn’t take over the family business because his father didn’t retire.
    79: Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
    A. We weren’t as much impressed by the new cinema’s look as it’s cost.
    B. We were very impressed by the new cinema,but found it rather expensive.
    C. We were not impressed by the new cinema at all because it looked rather expensive.
    D. The new cinema was more expensive than we expected.
    80: In spite of their differences, Jim and John plan to be roommates.
    A. Jim and John intend to be roommates, even though they are different.
    B. Jim and John do not like each other.
    C. Jim and John are too different to be roommates
    D. Jim and John will be dfferent roommates
    ------THE END-----
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